Yerba de Pomelo

May 23, 2022

Buenaaaaas ! 
Another great week in the service of the Lord! We had the census here which was probably the only thing really too out of the ordinary. For that, we had to spend a good chunk of the day Wednesday the pensión making calls but it was still a solid day! And as well in the week, Elder Romero cooked up some really good food in the nights and I tried grapefruit flavored yerba, wow - riquisma. But the best parts were without a doubt some great things with our amigos so I'll just get into that!Amigos- Adrian. Our friend Adrian who is getting baptized this Saturday is a stud!! He works in the nights so gets home at 8am, sleeps, and then basically goes right back to work but it's so cool to see him to make the sacrifices of his time to meet with us and go to church!! We were able to go over the baptismal questions and he is super solid! And all the members at church were super excited, he's known a lot of them for years since his wife is a member, so this Saturdayshould be a great event for everyone. He really has been a work in progress for a long time and I'm extremely grateful to be able to see this part of his journey.- Angel y Lucía. Two chicos we are teaching!! Angel is 9 and Lucía is 8 but her parents aren't members. Theyre cousins and want to be baptized together! They don't have a set date yet but we are shooting for the first week of June for their baptism. They are actually the neice and nephew of the wife of Adrian as well so it is perfect timing for all of them. They are super awesome and funny. I've actually never taught kids before on my mission though so it's a new experience! Luckily they are really inteligent, especially Lucía, and pick up on everything quick. And some nice videos are a huge help too. They are a lot of fun and their simple testimonies are powerful. It gives a whole new perspective to Mosiah 3:19.- Marcelo y Priscila. Marcelo, is doing great and we were able to have a Family Home Evening with the hermano who baptized him and both pf their families. The hermano shared a message about the temple and eternal families which really is the most powerful message that can be shared and really the whole reason for the Plan. To be able to live with our families for eternity!! What an incredible reality made possible through the Atoning Sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ. It was especially great for Priscila and even though she still has some doubts, I think it's only a matter of time for her. Especially with the example of Marcelo!Semana que vieneWe are really excited for some big things coming up this next week! Wednesday is 25 de Mayo which is the day of Independence of Argentina and theres a huge ward activity all day. We've invited just about everyone we know and supposedly theres always a ton of less actives and non members that attend as well so we are super anxious for that. Then Friday is the marriage of our amigo Gaston and Sara which is going to be fantástico. And then this Saturday the baptism of Adrian, always a special experience and the ward and all of his family is really excited. It should be a really great week!! Estamos orando mucho para que todo vaya bien!!Pensamiento EspirtualFor my sprirtual thought I again have been thinking a lot about the importance of personal revelation and especially some of the things Presidente Nelson has said about it. It really has been something he has mentioned so much!! Or at least it has called my attention a lot. Here are just a couple of my favorite paragraphs from his talk in Abril 2018." Pray in the name of Jesus Christ about your concerns, your fears, your weaknesses—yes, the very longings of your heart. And then listen! Write the thoughts that come to your mind. Record your feelings and follow through with actions that you are prompted to take. As you repeat this process day after day, month after month, year after year, you will “grow into the principle of revelation.”Nothing opens the heavens quite like the combination of increased purity, exact obedience, earnest seeking, daily feasting on the words of Christ in the Book of Mormon, and regular time committed to temple and family history work. "I want to add my testimony to that of the profets! Personal revelation really is absolutely essential for our spirtual survival and there is no better way to receive it than daily immersing yourself in the Book of Mormon. It is the most powerful, correct, and source of pure doctrina there is. It testifies and teaches of the Savior with clarity unlike any other. I know I feel it's spirit every day and know it's something I need every day. It is the spiritual nutrition our Spirit needs. After studying it's precepts, the next key is to go and do. Apply and live it's teachings and it will change your life as the power of the Savior will enter into it. As well, you will be able to hear the voice of the Lord guide and direct you in all you humbly seek.Just a couple more verses about the Spirit and Revelación!2Nefi32:3-52Nefi28:30-31Que tengan una buena semana!! Chau chau!!Con mucho amor,Elder Jackson


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