"Piel de Pollo" !!
April 25, 2022
Hola hola !!
This week was another fantastic one!! It is crazy how fast each week goes by at this point. A ton happened and we have transfers today so I'll just get right into it!
Piel de Pollo
Huge highlight of the week, we had the baptism of Pedro!! He is such a funny guy and has had the desire to get baptized since the first day we met him. His best friend got baptized about two months ago and introduced him to us shortly after, which made for the perfect situation and yet again it was simply a blessing to see the Lord carry out His work. The Atonement of Jesus Christ already has made a huge change in his life and I know it's just the beginning! The baptism itself was really simple with just 5 people in attendance but the spirit is always so powerful. Pedro said he felt the "piel de pollo", or "skin of chicken", aka goosebumps, sensation super strong haha
The other biggest thing from this past week were transfer news! I am going to be staying in Rio Ceballos/Unquillo and I'm going to be training!!! I am so so excited because I've never had the opportunity to train so it'll be a new experience and an incredible way to finish. It doesn't feel real these will be my last two transfers but I am determined to make the most of every second I have left. There is so much potencial in the two areas we cover and I am really hoping to be able to help these people get to the waters of baptism. We have seen some huge miracles in the last transfer here and I just hope I can take advantage of the opportunity to finish out with few more. As exciting as I am to train, I am absolutely devastated to lose Elder Silva. I could probably write a whole letter about him, he is amazing. His faith, desire to work, personality, constant service, and love for the Lord, His work, and His children has been so special to see. He has without a doubt changed my life, and not only because he has converted me to drinking mate! I've learned so much from him and going to miss him a ton.
Amigos !!
- Sofia. She is doing really well!! After being gone a few days last week, she was back this week and we had some really powerful lessons and experiences. We were able to give her a blessing on Saturday and the love Elder Silva and I felt for her was something special. As well she set some high goals for her addictions so we are praying hard she can complete them. The best thing is she has been reading the Book of Mormon and went to church, habits that with out a doubt are going to be what brings the power of the Atonement in her life.
- Gaston. He was a little more busy this week so it made it hard to meet with him but he is still doing well! He and his fiance continue to read the Book of Mormon together which is great. Praying he can accept a baptismal date here soon.
- Veronica, Milagros, y Marta. We had some really great lessons with Marta, her daughters Veronica and Milagros, and the other sisters who were baptized a few years ago. They are all really funny, especially when we can get them altogether at once, and it is always a good time to be with them. The spirit was again really strong and we felt a special divine love for them as we taught the plan of Salvation. Eugenia, one of the sisters who is a member, said she wants get sealed with her partner and kids which was incredible to hear as well.
As I mentioned, there is so much potencial here!! This week alone we found a handful of people street contacting who either have family or good friends who are members. They were times when you know the Spirit put us in just the right place at just the right time. As well, we had a super good meeting in Rio Ceballos with the liders of the ward about missionary work. They previously haven't been as involved but after Sunday it seems they are full go on the work of Salvation!! Super exciting because member missionary work is truly the best way to do it, my testimony of that has grown so much throughout my mission. And as an example of that and another huge blessing this past week, was on Tuesday we went out to this little pueblito for a family night with a member of our ward and their neighbors. The parents of the family are both return missionaries and they taught the whole plan of Salvation to their neighbors and we basically just added our testimonies. It was pretty powerful and we are beyond excited to start working with them.
Pensamiento Espirtual
A couple things for my spiritual thought this week! I listened to the talk of Elder Durrant from the Conference of Oct 2015 and it's one of my favorites. He talks about the power of "ponderizing" a verse of scripture every week. Part pondering, and the other part memorizing. I really like this idea because I know that as we continually ponder the scriptures they continue to give us the spiritual strength they contain and can lead to even more revelation. As we fill our thoughts with the scriptures the constant companionship of the Spirit is inevitable. A verse I felt come to mind and have loved this last week is Éter 2:17, when the Brother of Jared, describes the boats he made as being "tight unto a dish." I am constantly trying to tighten my dedication to the Lord and really going to focus in that in these last two transfers so I might be a worthy vessel that the Spirit can work through to convert the amazing people here in Rio Ceballos and Unquillo. I invite you all to ponderize a verse of scripture this week and promise as you serve you'll feel the Spirit more abundantly in your daily life.
I love you all so much!! Thank you for the constant love and support! Que tenga una buena semana!! Chauuuuuu !!
Elder Jackson
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