Fútbol, Dentista, y más

April 11, 2022

Holaaaaa!! Buen día!! 

It was another fantastic week in the service of the Lord! Today though we had to go to Córdoba to do some residency stuff for Elder Silva so I don't have as much time to write. I'll just hit some highlights and a recap on the amigos! 
Altos ! 
- Noche de fútbol. One of our wards is so awesome and is constantly having actives and it's such a good missionary tool. This week we went to the weekly soccer night on Thursday and were able to meet a ton of kids who are friends of the members and a handful of them were super interested in hearing our message so we are super excited to start teaching them. 
- Almuerzo con mi familia Argentina. There's a family in my ward that is my absolute favorite, la familia Alasia. They remind me so much of my family and it was pretty cool I actually met the dad in the temple a couple days before I even got to the área. They had us over for lunch on Sunday after church and it was a blast. Major highlight of the week for sure. 
- Elder Silva es el mejor. He is such a beast!! He's one of the most driven and hard working people I've seen, and he has a huge heart and a mountain of faith. And he's a crazy good cook and cooked up dinner for the two of us every night this week. He's blessing me in just about every way possible. 
- Intercambios. We had an exchange with some elders in Córdoba capital so it was fun to spend the day there and we had a solid day in the work. We were on bikes and man it made me miss my bici back in Aimogasta!! Although biking in the city was way different, a little bit more exciting with cars flying by instead of just trying to make it up the mountain on a dirt road. 
- Dentista. There is an hermana in our ward who is a dentist and the first time we met her she offered to fix Elder Silva's front teeth that have been broken for years. He was nervous at first but so happy with the results and she cleaned my teeth as well, a huge blessing after a minute without going to the dentista! 
Amigos !! 
- Marcelo. This week we went through all the baptismal interview questions and he should be all set for this next week! Sadly he wasn't able to make it to church because of some tough things but we are working and praying all goes smoothly and he can be baptized this Sunday! Not a better way to celebrate Easter. 
- Pedro. He is in a super similar situation as Marcelo, really solid and we were able to go through the interview questions with him as well. We are praying he can continue to stay clean from his addictions and make his date as well for this Saturday. 
- Gaston. I have a ton of love for Gaston and we had some really good lessons with him, trying to help him get revelation and answer his questions and help him know he needs to be baptized in our church. He's had some really big experiences with his other church it makes it hard for him to leave but he's sincerely praying and reading the Book of Mormon so it's just a matter of time. 
- Sofia. She has been battling contimuing to battle struggles with anxiety and depression but has loved going back and watching the General Conference talks and as well has been reading the Book of Mormon. It's super cool to hear how powerful tools those two things have been for her. 
- Eugenia. We talked to this guy in front of his house the other day and he was super interested in our message. When we came back he wasn't there but his wife invited us in and it turns out she is a member! She got baptized a few years back but then got a job that worked on Sundays and never went back to church. Until now! She is super eager to reactivate herself and bring her family so we are super excited about them. And she had some friends there too that were interested as well. Always a big tender mercy to find members! 
Pensamiento Espirtual 
We have been sharing this verse with a lot of the members we have been meeting with and it has been awesome. DyC 128:1-2. It talks about how Joseph Smith received thoughts that "occupy my mind, and press itself upon my feelings the strongest." This is often a way we, and especially for me, can receive revelation - these thoughts that often are recurring and seem to have more weight. Receiving revelation is absolutely essential for our lives and so I know the Lord is eager to bless us with it as we sincerely seek His will. And especially when we are on the Lord's errand he will guide us and give us direction. Something Elder Bednar emphasized with us as well when he was how we really are constantly receiving inspiration from the Spirit as long as we are striving to keep the commandments. It's been incredible to see members this past week pray about who they can share the gospel with and how quickly they have names "occupy their mind", just as the spirit impressed Joseph Smith. I know inspiration is open and available to all as we humbly seek it and invite you to all pray about someone you can share the message of our Savior, especially in the sacred week leading up to Easter!! What a wonderful holiday it will be next Sunday. 
I love you all!! Hasta la semana que viene! Chau chau 
Elder Jackson 


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