Demasiados Milagros !!
March 14, 2022
Holaaa hola!! This week legit few by and was highlighted by the baptism of Celina!! Such a great day and always so humbled to have a front row seat to the Lords work.
Bautismo de Celina
Such a special day!! I was a little nervous when we woke up on Sunday morning and it was raining pretty hard, which never happens here in Aimogasta, but sure enough it all cleared up right as we headed up to dig out the spot in the river and the baptism ended up being a beautiful event with a really special spirit. I feel like I say this with ever person I have had the opportunity to see be baptized but I can take no personal credit in the conversion of Celina, but rather it has just been so incredible to see the Lord carry our His work and as well her desires to change. She's been a miracle from the beginning, simply walking into church with her recent convert boyfriend the first week they arrived here together in Aimogasta to work in the harvest. And then again with her family completely changing from being against her decision to being fully supportive. And lastly being able to find a place to have Roberto stay so they could live the Law of Chastity. The hand of the Lord has been in the whole process and I'm so grateful to see it first hand.
-Paola. As fantastic as the baptism and rest of the week was, this was a definite lowlights. It was really tough to hear but just before we were about to have the baptismal interview for our friend Paola, she sent us a text and said she is grateful for our time and visits but wants to continue with her other church she has gone to in the past. It really came out ofnno where and we still really don't have any idea why, but we are going to try everything to figure out more this week. We still have a lot of hope she will change her mind because she was one of the most prepared people I've had the privilege to meet. Please add Paola to your prayers!
-Marcela. Super awesome lady we met as we were walking around one evening this week. She was just out drinking her mate and we stopped to talk, turns out she is our recent convert Ivan's cousin!! And possibly more crazy, we went back to have our return appointment and she already knew a ton about our church, about José Smith, the Book of Mormon, and even that we don't date until 16 haha. She's super interested in learning more and has been reading the Book of Mormon so we are excited!! Last little tender mercy with her was we were teaching her in her little shop/house when Ivan walked in right at the end!! It was the perfect timing.
CUATRO "Drive Bys"
Not one, not two, not three, but FOUR times this week we were simply walking from place to place and people recognized us, pulled over, and stopped to talk to us. One was an 18 year old kid named Facundo who saw an ad online and wants to meet with us. We were absolutely shocked to say the least but even more so when when happened again. Second was an old inactive member who hasn't been to church in years but loves the missionaries. Then third, maybe the craziest of all, was that night on the way back home a lady who works at the supermarket we go to every week, not only gave us her number to talk another time, but also some fresh churros she had just made. Anddd just when we thought it wasn't possible to happen again, this morning on the way to the store a guy we talked to on the street for maybe 2 minutes but didn't seem interested at all, pulled over and said he wants us to teach him tonight. I'm not sure if Aimogasta is smaller than we thought and maybe we just know the whole town at this point, or if the Spirit was guiding us without us even realizing (Like Nefi in 1 Nefi 4:6). No but really without a doubt I know the Lord is putting us in the path of His elect, His children who are ready to Let Him Prevail, for which I'm so grateful and humbled to be able to have these interactions. Crazy stuff!!
Other highlight from this week was we finally went and tried the biggest Ice cream place here in Argentina, Grido!! We've heard a ton about it and we are thrilled to report it lived up to the hype. Dulce de leche ice cream might just be unbeatable.
Pensamiento Espiritual
We are officially within a month of General Conference!! Which seriously is like Christmas as a missionary. Crazy to think this one will be my last as a missionary so I was listening to talks from my first general Conference and President Nelson's "Let God Prevail" was yet again such a powerful message. This principle of allowing God to be the most important influence, the highest priority, in our lives is everything. I know we find direction, peace, and happiness as we let go of other distractions or anything else that could possibly get in the way of getting closer to our Heavenly Father. As we give Him our whole heart and submit our will to His because of our love for Him, we will feel His love and joy. Look for ways to Let God Prevail more fully in your life this week!
Please say a prayer that I stay in Aimogasta! Transfer news coming this week.
Hasta luego! Que estén bien!! Chau chau
Con amor,
Elder Jackson
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