Bienvenido a Río Ceballos y Unquillo
March 28, 2022
Hola hola!! Ahora desde la hermosa cuidad de Río Ceballos, Córdoba
This week had some changes, adjustments, stress, but more than anything - huge miracles. I felt like I was juggling a little bit all week but overall feeling more adjusted now. There was a lot, so I'll try to get right into it and try my best to keep it brief!
We had transfers on Wednesday so I said bye to everyone in Aimogasta and took made the 8 hour bus ride to Córdoba. It was really sad saying bye to the people I was able to meet there, especially this time not knowing if I'll ever be back to this little pueblito in the middle of nowhere. I will always have such a special love and connection for the people there, and I was humbled to have several miracles in being able to see just about everyone before I left. Part of my heart will always be in Aimogasta.
With the way my travels worked out I had a day in Córdoba just kind of in limbo and so I was able to spend it with Elder Monday, my first companion when I got to Argentina, because he had to do some visa stuff. It was awesome to be with him again, and he had to go downtown so we got to see some of that and it was so cool!!! And then that evening we were able to go and do an endowment session in the Córdoba temple!!!! It was one of the most incredible experiences ever!!! After almost 2 years of looking at photos of that temple and wanting to go I was finally able to go in. The temple has always had a big impact on me so to just be back there and feel the unique peace was amazing. But to be there in Córdoba and do it all in Spanish and all the other circumstances was something else. Such a special day and experience. And covenants truly are the biggest thing, the whole reason for a church, and what bind us to our Heavenly Father and make it possible for us to return to be with Him.
After that I got to Rio Ceballos and it could not be more different than Aimogasta. It is this little touristy city in the mountains about 45 minutes outside of Córdoba Capital. The town is absolutely gorgeous, so green and there's a river that runs right through the middle. The only thing that wasn't too pretty was the apartment when I got here. Haha. It was an absolute pig sty when I walked in so we had to spend a few hours cleaning before we could do much of anything. But after getting that taken care of the work has been full blessings too, and we were able to put two people on date! The work is just as different as the cities themselves, being over two wards here. It is a nice change to have lots of members but super interesting to see the people here are far less open to the message of the gospel over all. But members truly are the absolute best way to do missionary work so I feel extremely fortunate!
- Marcelo. Our first amigo we put on date this week. It was crazy, it was the first time that either one of us had met him but apparently a member had given him a Book of Mormon 5 years ago. He recently started reading it and somehow contacted the member and then us and when we went for the first visit he said he wants to be baptized. We still have to go through some things but he basically has taught himself a ton. He is an elect guy for sure.
- Pedro. Once again we didn't have to do much in the situation but are so humbled for the opportunity to see someone with sincere desires to repent. Pedro is the friend of a man who got baptized, just about a month ago here in Rio Ceballos and went to church with him last week. We were able to teach him the first lesson this week and he was all over it and kept talking about the "warm sensation in his chest and the skin of a chicken" he felt when he went to church and as we were with him. We were able to put him on date as well for the 16th of Abril and we are super grateful to see the Lord carry out His work.
- Paola. I got a text from Elder Keller back in Aimogasta on Saturday that Paola passed her baptismal interview and is all set to get baptized! I couldnt be more excited for her, but as well I was shocked when he said that her mom also is on date for baptism now!! We taught her a couple times with Paola but didn't think she was as interested. Turns out she has been reading the Book of Mormon as well and it's been helping her overcome an addiction and so she wants to be baptized too. Super cool to hear about those miracles back there too.
Elder Silva
I have to write a little about my new companion Elder Silva because he is seriously just thee best. He's from Uruguay as I mentioned last week and doesn't speak a lick of English which is a dream come true in itself haha. But he is such a beast!! He's 25 so he's a little bit older for a missionary but he's only been out for 4 months, been a member for 3 years and his older brother is the only other active member of his family. His testimony is so powerful and he has the biggest heart and desire to work. I've already learned a lot from him, as I have all my companions. He is such a funny guy though too, we are having a ton of fun. The other day he tried to cook a whole, raw egg in the microwave in the middle of personal study. After about 30 seconds the two eggs exploded like bombs hahah. He's lightning quick and runs sprints in the morning and he tells me he's trying to lose weight but then we get back in the night and he pounds fried eggs, rice, and hotdogs smothered in mayo with waters it down with a coke. He is such a good guy and I am loving being his companion.
Pensamiento Espirtual
I have been thinking about, and studying Faith a lot lately. Elder Bednar talked about it a lot when he came and visited our mission and as well read Alma 32 this past week which is one of the all time best chapters about faith. As well, prayers of faith is a repeated topic that has been in my studies and on my mind. Faith is obviously believing in what we cannot see but as well acting according that belief. A prayer of faith then is sincere, whole hearted communication with the Lord. A prayer of faith is work and we have to ask with the true belief that we can receive. But then after we have to go and do according to that belief! It isn't enough to simply ask and wait. Instead, the action in the direction we feel is right shows our true intent, allows the faith to grow, for us to be guided by the Lord, and in due time we will be able to see His guidance. Take the the time to study and pray with faith this week and then act with all diligence according to that belief and the Lord will pour out miracles!
Few verses to cite to finish off. Alma 31:10, Alma 32:21,42 y Eter 12:6.
I think that'll finally do it for this week. I love you all so much!
Chau chau!
Elder Jackson
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