Hola Hola!!
January 25, 2021
Hola Hola!!! I didn't really do this last week and have been slacking this week on writing about things I read, study, devotionals, and other lessons of stories. I'll be better this week!! I just wrote about a recap about the chapters I've read this week and some updates w the teaching. Love you all so much!!!!!
Alma 40-42
Alma 45 Alma se fue
Alma 46 Moroni, estandarte de libertad, alta voz, Creyente en Cristo, nombre de Cristo
Alma 47 Lehonti
Alma 48 Title of Liberty
Alma Two Thousand Strling warriors!!!!
Helaman - Gadianton robbers start after Kishkumen kills son of Pahoran on his judgment seat. Nefi and Lehi remember the words of his father to go and preach! As well build foundation on Christ. similar to Alma bc Nefi left the judgement seat and they both dedicated their lives to preaching the gospel. Put into prison by the Lamanites, same prison that sons of Mosiah were in. In the middle a fire and not burned. Darkness, walls shake, spirit is a still small voice, penetrated to the very soul. Angels come down, 500 people converted. Lamanites become converted, prosperity between Nefites and Lamanites. Gadianton robbers start back up amgonst the Nefites but the Lamanites kick them out more. Nefites wicked. Then Nefi goes to preach to them, they reject him. Goes to the tower to pray. Multitud gathers, Nefi is able to preach to them. Wicked, slow to remember God.
Nefi gived them sign, precisamente as he said the cheuf judge was killed. Again says go look at brother, hes guilty not me. Few believe thhroigh this. Then in Chapter 10 hes on his way back and he hears voice of the Lord in verse 4 "Blessed art thou Nefi because you have tried to preach the word with unwearingness, worried about my will and not your own and kept my commandments." Such an awesome verse. Then the Lord gives him the Sealing power as well as power to do anything he sees fit. Goes and preaches again but they still dont listen. Asks God to smitw them w a famine. Slow to remeber God. Humble themselves even unto the dust. Nefi prays to send rain, peace again but not many years. Yet again the Gadianton robbers start back up. People forget God, become prideful as soon as He blessed them. Then Helaman 13-15 are Samuel the Lamanite. He was about to return home too but voice of the Lord came to him as well. Returned, climbed wall, Preached what was in his heart. Preached of their need to repent, of destruction of the Nefites, of Christ, and signs of his birth. So so cool.
Ah I love them but they are difficult some times haha. They are still so awesome though. The daughter Eileen especially is awesome. She reads every day. She's pretty dang solid for the 6th, but she wants to get baotized with her brother too but he like flips back and forth between feeling ready and not. The parents are good, the mom wants to get baptized but they gotta work on some things. Jimmy still has some questions about religions. Like why does just one have to be right. Also he said he feels the spirit all the time so the Book of Mormon isn't very different. And then when he questions the son gets unsure too but the daighter Eileen is so ready and the son said he will pray again about the 6th.
Attributes of Christ
Chapter 6 in PMG is all about the Attributes of Christ, its super good. In my patriarchal blessing it talks about the importance of developing thede througout my life and so ive been studying them more. Seriosuly i feel like i need to be better with all of them but im trying to focus on charity and humility i think. Just more love and doing everything because of pure love. And just trusting and relying on the Lord completely. Definitely a work in progress but awesome to study!
Irma y Pati
Two sisters of Hermana Gutierrez!!!! Hna Gutierrez is a convert, baptized at 15. Idrk why the other sisters didnt take discussions. They had 14 kids, i think 6 died, at birth I think. Like 8 sisters or something like that. But Irma has been to church before, Hno Gutierrez has talked to them abiut the church haha hes the best. So she was finally ready to listen to the lessons and the other sister as well Pati is interested. They don't know much at all, just had heard of "Smith". We taught the whole restoration and it was suoer cool. The spirit was honestly so strong, especially as I was reciting the first vision. We talked about the spirit a ton and how it testfies and how we have felt it. But really we want them to feel it and learn and know for themselves. We talked about that a lot throughout the lesson. And I know they felt the spirit!! I felt it so strong and Hna Gutierrez said she did too. I dont know if they really understood it all, its a big lesson and we could've taught it more simply but I know they felt the spirit which was super cool. And in preach my gospel it says like a way to know your being a successful missionary is to feel the spirit working through you, and that's something ive been wanting to feel more and yesterdwy in that lesson, and with the Calderons too, I felt it and it was so cool. I really know I am nothing without Heavenly Father and the Spirit and I'm just so grateful we could have that chance to be there with them and feel the Spirit work through me. We have another lesson next Sunday which I'm already super excited about. They seem super willing to learn, nice, normal, and its the perfect situation because their sister is a memeber and there with us too. It's a huge blessing for sure
Been really good actually!! Had a handful of actual lessons with people from all of the world. Colombia, Nicaragua, Ecuador, México, Panamá. All super nice! Some more interested than others but all really nice. Makes me want to get out haha. Also talked with people from Argentina. They said covid is chill!! Hahah i followed a tonnnn of people in Córdoba. I think i followed every person named Ignacio or Jorge in the city of Córdoba.
We've been able to have several lessons with Margarita this week!! Super awesome!! She just answered idk it was funny. And we were able to explain more about the LdM bc at first she just saw it had different names and was like nope. Haha so we showed her it talks about Christ its just different prophrts in the America's. She liked that and we showed her some Isaiah stuff and she actuslly liked that too haha. So that was pretty cool! She said she'll read it so hopefully that get her really progressing. Hahah and then she invited us to go to her church though because weve invited her to ours the past two weeks. We didnt go tho bc Elder Woods heard president didnt let ppl do that which was fine by me tbh. It was a good week w her!
Hno Perez
This is a recent convert of a few years i think who is returning to activity. So weve had lessons w him every saturdsy for like a month. And he lives alone and talks a ton haha but hes a nice guy. But he came to church yesterday, but an hour late bc he didnt know it started at 9 now instead of 10 haha. But it was funny bc we didnt even know it was him until I just said hi. But its way cool bc he said hes got family here in El Paso who arent members and said he wants us to teach them! So that would be awesome!! Also we got him hooked up w zoom so he csn start going to temple prep classes!
The Book of Mormon
The KEY to it all!! Literally everything weighs on this book. But it's so true and so powerful.
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