Adiós Aimogasta :((
March 22, 2022
Hola hola!!
Another Tuesday pday, this time not because we have a visit from an apostle but some other crazy news! Despite my hopes to have one more transfer in the amazing pueblito of Aimogasta, I am being transferred to Córdoba! I really am so sad to leave this area, it has been absolutely incredible in so many ways. It has been full of adjustments, learning, and so many miracles. I have been forever changed by the people and experiences I've had and again find myself saying as I leave an area, "I don't deserve this." This time around it is especially hard to say by not knowing when I'll ever see them again, but I am so humbled and grateful for the relationships and memories I'll have made here.
That being said I'm so excited for my next adventure! What I know is that my companion is fresh out of his training, I've heard he's an absolute work force, and he's from Uruguay! I am so pumped to have a native spanish speaking companion and can't wait to get to work with him. We cover two wards in an area just a little north of the city of Córdoba. It seems like it'll be the opposite in just about every way of the group of 10 in the little town of Aimogasta haha but I'm super pumped at the same time. It will be another adventure and I have seen with every change the Lord has put me exactly where I have needed to be. It is such a blessing but with ever change in area or companion I have been to eventually see it has been exactly what I have needed. Our Heavenly Father truly is mindful of us in every moment. He knows us perfectly, and loves us perfectly. I'm so grateful for a portion of that perfect love I've felt for the people of Aimogasta and so many of God's children throughout my whole mission.
Quick recap of this last week, it was a fantastic one and I'm super hopefully for my friends there.
- Cooled off a ton this week! Which was nice because we of course did ton of walking de nuevo.
- 4 people gave us Super Panchos, or the loaded hot dogs this week.
- Boca and River, the two biggest soccer teams played on Sunday night. The streets were absolutely dead except for a few groups of people who were huddled around TVs to watch. It was pretty neat to experience even though it made for a slower night. Best part was Boca won!! And we got to hear people singing "Dale, Dale Booooocaaaaa" all night.
- One last almuerzo with the familia Ramos and they made carne asada and it was riquísima.
-Got to speak in church for my last sacrament meeting
-Paola. Last week I gave the update that she sent us a text saying she decided to not get baptized and instead continue on with her other religion. Well after a number of miracles we were able to pass by and talk to her and she is actually still the absolute best!! We were worried about a number of things that would've made her change her mind, but it turns out she said it was because there were a couple relief society activities that were held on Saturdays that she couldn't attend. By not being able to attend she felt like she was failing and wouldn't be able to commit to being baptized, even though she hasn't missed a week at church or a day of reading since she first started meeting with over a month ago. We assured her the activities were not a big deal at all and she was so relieved. As well, it was so neat to hear her talk about how she was still reading the Book of Mormon and loving it and about the difference, the huge lack of peace that she felt in the two weeks she didn't go to church. It was so incredible to hear her testimony hadn't faltered at all and even more so to have her back at church again on Sunday!!! We almost made it work to have her baptized on Sunday but couldn't quite make it all work. But without a doubt she will make that covenant soon and be a life long member. Paola is so awesome, I couldn't be happier for her.
-Marcela. The cousin of Ivan!! She started reading the Book of Mormon and as well came to church!! Sadly she had some trouble finding the building but she still made it eventually and had a good time! She and some other members of Ivan's family really seem solid.
- We found a ton of new people this week for the third week in a row and some of them are so solid, I am really really sad to leave them. Elder Keller and I really grinded the whole transfer together and the last few weeks especially I felt we were a spiritual force. I can't wait to hear about the things that will continue to happen there!
Pensamiento Espiritual
I am just going to keep this one really quick because I'm running out of time and have some last things to do, but the story of the people of Ammon is incredible. There conversión to the Lord is profound and permanent. It is everything I strive to be as a disciple of my Savior Jesus Christ.
Alma 24:17-19
Hasta la semana que viene!! Chau!!
Con Amor,
Elder Jackson
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