Las Bicis Están Muertas :(
February 28, 2022
Hola de nuevo!!
I think I say this every week but it it is continues to be true, it was fantastic and it flew by even fasted than the last. I love Aimogasta and being a missionary!
Aimogasta Update
-More olivos than you've ever seen in your life
-Right when we thought it was going to start cooling down a little, it hit 102°F yesterday. But I actually love the heat so it was fantastic!
-Just about everyone is willing to talk about Jesucristo!
Bikes are (probablemente) Dead :'(
One sad thing before all the other good from the week. We recieved news this week from Presidente that the area Presidencia has recently decided to stop the use of bicicletas in our area becuase of the high risk of injury and also the way it takes away from opportunities to talk with all those on the streets. Two very good reasons, yes, but it makes life a lot less efficient. We are going to see what we can do to get some special permiso for this special pueblito but for the time being we are going by foot! I am very sad about losing the bicis, truly they were a highlight but I now have the chance to really wear out the soles of my shoes these next few months.
Panchos y milagros
Panchos are these massive hotdogs loaded with just about every topping you can think of that they street vendors sell all over town, there are literally 4 of them all in the main plaza every night. People are always walking around with them and yet again it's something I've wanted to try but we never have time in the night. Until this past week!! We were out street contacting and we went up one of the street vendors who was selling in the afternoon strangely enough, and he immediately asked us where we were from, as many people do. When we said los Estados Unidos he was pretty shocked and immeditaely started making us a Pancho to try. It was super kind of him, we were super excited to try the hotdogs (they were way good), and he was really open to our message! But the story doesn't end there. A couple days later we stopped by a house of this man we had talked to randomly and he told us about a recent death in his family and he was really eager to learn more. When he stopped by the second time his oldest daughter was the only one there, but after sharing with her our message as well we put together her boyfriend is the one who gave us the Panchos the day before!! It was a crazy circle of meeting each of them and we are hopefully they will progress. It is obvious we've been put in their path for a reason.
-Celina. She texted us on Monday night of last week and asked if she she could be baptized on Sunday, like less than a week away. It was pretty surprising since the night before we had just put the date for the 20th of March, mostly because her and Roberto still need to figure out their living situation, but she just really has such a desire to change which was incredible to hear! We weren't able to make the baptism happen this week but we have a plan to move Roberto out of their one room place into a different little empty structure thing just around the corner. We are praying it all works out but really it is so powerful to see their faith and desire to change.
-Paola. Shes struggling a little with her health but her faith has never been better!! We are praying she can make her date for the 6th of March still but with her diabetes she said she may need another week to get it all under control. She really is so solid, so prepared to receive the gospel. She is yet again living evidence of the power of the finding peace through the Spirit and this Gospel. And she also is so good with reading the Book of Mormón and attending to church. I cannot express enough how important those simple habits are to our spiritual survival!!!
-Ivan! Wow huge miracles with him and I can't describe how much joy it brought me and love I felt for him. He is tough to visit becuase he lives at the top of "el Bordo," which is a neighborhood at the top of some pretty steep hills with not the best kept dirt roads leading to it (pictures below hopefully). Another big challenge is his phone broke a couple weeks ago so its impossible to know when he's there. We've made the trek several times only to find him not home which was pretty tough. Until yesterday!!! We felt we should head up there and to our joy he was there!! We had an awesome lesson and even though he had to go out of town in the evening and couldn't make it to church (starts at 6pm), we have another lesson tonight and he said without a doubt He will be there next week!! It was just so awesome to see more light in him again and hear he really has sinceres desires to follow thr Savior. Between the anniversary of the passing of his wife, his kids starting school, working in the harvest, and not having running water most of the time in his house, he has been going through a lot to say the least. But I know this Gospel is what will bring him more help and happiness than anything and it's a blessing to see him feel that as well.
Viviendo el Sueño
As I hit 18 months this past week I was reflecting on my experience as a missionary and I truly feel like I'm living the dream!! I'm in Argentina, speaking castellano, preaching the gospel, and have the privilege to be a Represente de Jesucristo. No hay nada mejor!! This is such a sacred privilege to be able to sanctify and consecrated this time to the Lord. I am so excited and grateful for these next last few months I have as a full time missionary.
Actitud Determina Altitud
And one last thing that I've seen time and time again these last 18 months and especially this past week, Attitude determines Altitude!! A positive attitude and seeing the good changes everything!! Or actually it might not change anything as far as the circumstances but completely changes how we feel and vastly increases our abilities to deal with our circumstances.
Pensamiento Espiritual
For my spirtual thought real quick, I know this is already a really long letter, I just want to share one thing I have really felt the importance of lately, that being the Power of the Book of Mormón. It truly is the word of God and the best source of spirtual strength and protección on a daily basis. It contains the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which gives us access to the grace of His Atonement and is the path back to our Heavenly Father. There is nothing more valuable in life. As we study and apply its teaches we come to personally know our Savior and become converted to Him. But it is something that we have to do each and every single day!! It is our spirtual nourishment, the key to obtaining the Spirit on a daily basis.
Last thing, A couple talks I listened to this last week and highly highly recommend. You will not regret studying these talks this week!!
- President Nelson's talk from Oct 2017 "The Book of Mormon: What Would Your Life Be Like without It?"
- Elder Bednar Oct 2012 "Converted to the Lord".
Ok guau sorry this one is so long. Hopefully you all can just enjoy the pictures. Que tengan una semana magnífica! Chau!
Con amor,
Elder Jackson
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