Changes en Aimogasta !!
January 24, 2022
Buen dia!!
It has been another fantastic week in la tierra prometida de Aimogasta and it now has been a full first transfer here in Argentina which is nuts! It was initially a bigger adjustment than I was expecting, but we have seen so many miracles and I am loving my time here so much. But we had some big changes here in our tranquilo pueblito, little town!
The biggest news here is that we added another set of missionaries here in Aimogasta!!! It is kind of crazy because it is still a just a group, really handful of active members, but the work is progressing so fast the Lord knows there needs to be more to gather His elect here. It is incredible to be a part of it. So I now have a new companion, Elder Keller. He got here to Aimogasta yesterday and is straight from the US, so we are still adjusting but he's been a missionary for 6 months so he's already ready to roll. We share a lot of interests and he is excited to work so I am super grateful!! Elder Monday and his new companion will now cover the North half of Aimogasta and we will have the South half, which we haven't explored quite as much so we are hoping to find more of the elect down there. I am really excited but also very sad to lose half the people we were teaching. Luckily I'll still see them every week at church and it isn't too big of a place!
Amigos !!
-Roni y Daiana. They are seriously incredible!! I am definitely the saddest about losing them becuase they live in the North área, but we had a fantastic week with them and I have a plan to still visit them haha. We went back after explaining the Law of Chastity and they told us they already got their documents together and have a time for next week to finalize the day they are going to go and sign the papers. It should be sometime next week! As well they said they've been reading the Book of Mormon daily and also watching videos too with their 3 little kids who are for real the cutest. It is crazy to see how prepared they really are. And to top it off with them, they made us some empanadas that we some of the best I've ever had. We will definitely be eating a lot more of them in the future haha. So even though I won't be teaching them full time I do plan on seeing them lots!
-Ivan y Analía. Ivan sadly came down with covid this week so we haven't been able to be with him at all. He said he was feeling pretty rough earlier in the week but the tender mercies are that he is feeling a lot better now and it has been a good opportunity for the members to reach out to him. With Analia she is so funny. She gave me a haircut last Monday that is pretty skeptical but I've wear a helmet most of the day anyway haha. She also had us over for lunch one day and it was awesome. She made some super good pasta, and best of all shared her experience of her baptism with all of her family there. It was so powerful and we are hoping to start teaching the rest of them!
-Gladys. Our dear Gladys has had better weeks but is still progressing! She has been having a lot of pain in her arm that makes it hard for her to sleep. As well her glasses broke and has to wait until the end of the month to have the money to get them fixed. But again, some new challenges opened the door for some new opportunities. We gave her a blessing which was a neat experience for her, and we showed her how to listen to Conference talks and she really enjoyed that! Pretty please keep her in your prayers that she can continue to battle the Word of Wisdom as well!!
-Brenda. Our amiga Brenda who is on date for next Sunday is overall doing well! She still wants to be baptized which is fantastic but her grandma had an emergencia and had to go to the hospital so it has been a harder week for her. We have been praying with her a lot and sending her scriptures and things but por favor add her and her family to your prayers too.
We gotta figure out how to get a couple more bikes out here so I think I'll just wrap this one up with a spritual thought!
Pensamiento Espiritual
I was able to read some of my favorite chapters this week in the beginning of Mosiah so I have to share something from that. I absolutely love the teachings of King Benjamín and especially the words of the people after. They say in Mosiah 5:2 "Yea, we believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually." I find it so powerful, the change in their hearts through the Spirit!! And they then declare their desire to make covenants with God as a result of their change. They were truly, wholely, and completely converted to the Savior. That is honestly my desire personally, and for all the people here. To be changed for life through Atonement of Jesus Christ and make covenants with Heavenly Father. These chapters, Mosiah 1-5, are so powerful and I invite all of you to give them a read this week to feel this Spirit and change in your heart.
I love you all so much!! Have a great week!!
Todo el amor,
Elder Jackson
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