Bautismo de Brenda !
January 31, 2022
Hola hola!! Tuvimos otra semana re fantástica acá en Aimogasta!! It always seems we have ups and downs throughout the week, and then somehow the Lord gives us just what we need to pull it all together and things work out on Sunday and it leaves me so humbled and grateful for it all.
Lo Mejor
The highlight of the week was without a doubt was the baptism of Brenda!! We weren't sure her baptism was going to happen this week or if we needed one more week but there were some serious tender mercies and we were able to make it work! She is awesome and has had such a desire to be baptized since the first day we met her so it was a really special day. Once again I really know I can take no credit in her change and am simply grateful to be able to participate it the Lord's work and now have a special connection with one of His children. The baptism itself was really neat because we did it in the river that is just behind the house of her abuelita, such a faithful little old lady who's the sweetest and has been a member for years. The peace there was overwhelming. The Confirmation was a little bit more stressful in the pre-work but equally as powerful!! Brenda's motorcycle broke down and her family all had to walk a couple miles to make it to church so we were a little worried. And the phone system in Aimogasta was down the whole afternoon so it made it impossible to call anyone haha. But Brenda showed up right on time after miraculously getting a ride from a friend, and a member was able to pick up her family!! Milagros all around, it was incredible.
-Ivan y Analía. Our other eternal amigos de Aimogasta are good but were little sick this weekend so they weren't able to make it to church. But earlier in the week we had some solid lessons to help them continue on this path. As well we were able to start teaching the niece of Analía and she seems super solid as well!
-Gladys. Even though she's been physically a little down she is doing great spiritually! She came to church and read from a Principles of of Gospel book and decided she wanted to take it home and start reading that as well haha. And, even more impressive this week she brought her friend to church so we are going to start teaching her now as well!! Still in the fight against the WoW but Gladys is the best.
-Emily. We met Emily on the street the other day as she was working in the garden of a house on our street. She said she had met with the missionaries before the pandemic and really liked the Book of Mormon so she seems super promising. And as well it was really neat, Elder Keller offered a simple prayer before we went on our way and she was crying we he finished. She said it was exactly what she needed and felt the Spirit really strong. Really hopeful for her!
-Soledad y Sulma. These are two cousins of Hermano Ramos, the most generous and helpful member you can possibly imagine and leader of the group here. But, we have been teaching Soledad and Sulma here and there for the past few weeks but it had been hard to get lessons with them. This week we turned a huge corner and they both started reading the Book of Mormon and watched the baptism of Brenda.
-Roni y Daiana. The best couple ever wow!! They are technically in the area of the other elders now but I've been able to keep tabs on them this past week. They are going to get their date for their marriage this Tuesday, hopefully for another day this week and we are praying they will be able to baptized the following weekend!!
-21 people at church this week!!! And I spoke again haha. New record of attendance and we are working towards making this group into a Rama!!
¿De donde soy yo?
Just about everyone we talk to asks us where we are from and I sometimes like to ask them where they think we are from. Most either say Europe like Germany or Russia, which makes sense with two gringos, chicos con ojos celestes y rubios. BUT this week a guy guessed I was either from Buenos Aires or Paraguay!! I'm almost positive he was a little drunk but I'll take it
Pensamiento Espirtual
For my spirtual thought I'll share the verse I shared with Presidente Hintze in my interview with him this last week. It's something I came across in my study the week before and has been on my mind a lot since.
Mosiah 4:19 King Benjamín famously asks "For behold, are we not all beggars?". And in verse 21 there was something that stuck out to me as well where he says "And now, if God, who has created you, on whom you are dependent for your lives and for all that ye have and are, doth grant unto you whatsoever ye ask that is right, in faith, believing that ye shall receive, O then, how ye ought to impart of the substance that ye have one to another."
I am humbled by the fact that we truly are all beggars, all equal in our imperfection and eternal dependency on our Savior Jesus Christ. I also love the invitation he gives us as a result at the end of the verse to give of what we have. But the idea that came to me was not to just give substance, but rather to give freely of our forgiveness, mercy, patience, service, time, will and ultimately give our whole hearts to the Lord and to His children. I know that is what I need to strive to do more and invite you all to do the same!
Sorry it was a little longer this week but I had a little more time for once! I love you all so much!!
¡Que anden bien! Chau Chau !!
Elder Jackson
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