Feliz Navidad !!

December 25, 2021

Our pday this week got pushed back until today for the holiday and so we could all get together on the 23rd for a mission wide activity. It was awesome to be with all the other missionaries. And then we were able to eat with a family here in CΓ³rdoba last night which was super fun!! We got to eat some incredible carne, and more importantly feel the special Spirit of this season. It is definitely a unique Christmas here in Argentina with it being summer and just a completely different culture but the Spirit felt as we always do when we are together and remember the birth of Savior is the same.  
I'll put some highlights about what has been going on in Aimogasta below, there has been so much in the past two weeks, but I mainly just want to say I love you all so much and hope you have a very Merry Christmas!!! I pray you all can feel the pure peace, love, and joy that comes from our Savior today. I know He was born in a humble stable in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago. I know He left all He had, to do the Father's will, to atone personally for each and every single one of us, so that we are able to live with our Father in Heaven and families for eternity. For that He is the greatest gift that has ever been given, and that continues to give infinitely. He is the Light and the Life of the World. I love my Savior and I love all of you. 
Juan 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." 

We have seen more crazy miracles since arriving here than I have had in my whole mission. There has been a lot of adjustments and relying on the Lord more than ever, but He truly has yet again poured out miracles as I've put my trust in Him. It has been nothing short of incredible and I am so humbled by the mercy of the Lord for putting me in Aimogasta.
-Ivan, Karina, y Analia. They have to be the biggest miracle of my mission. The day started with my bike getting a flat tire after about the first half mile of riding. It definitely threw a wrench in our plans for the day but it clearly it needed to happen. After finally walking to the bike shop and making it a the appointment we had we just decided to street contact for the next while. At the end of the night, we decided to start walking to the fruit shop of a member and ask for a ride bike home when we turned a corner and saw a family outside. We had talked to a lot of people at this point but they almost immediately invited us to sit down and teach them upon introducing ourselves. It was easily one of the most powerful lessons I've ever been in and the Spirit was undeniable. There were so many little things that fell in to place for them to all be there and they said they knew we were sent from God and the three of them accepted a baptismal date for the 16th of January!! Simply put they are some of the most elect people I've met. Ivan is about 20 pages into the Book of Mormon and the other two aren't far behind just after a couple days and they are super excited to be baptized. The love Elder Monday and I have felt for them has been so powerful and we know we were sent here to be put into their path. 
-La Familia Chumbita y La Familia Ramos. These are two families, one the kids are baptized and the other who has a brother is a member, who we have been able to meet with and are really special as well! The Spirit again was really strong in the lessons and they want to be baptized as well! But there is a common thread that the parents need to be married, but we are going to start working with them on that and we are really excited for them. Please keep them in your prayers as well! 
-Randomly met a handful of less active members in some pretty crazy ways. Twice were walking in the street and they pulled  over in their cars to introduce themselves, another called us over as we were walking home in the dark, and one lady we taught almost the whole Restoration and she realized she had been baptized in our church years before haha. We only have about 12 active members so they each one we find is huge. Our mission president told us we just need 3 Melquisedec presithood holders to make it into a branch, so that is our goal!! 
-The members are small in number but seriously mighty in faith!! Their willingness to share the gospel is on another level as well and we have a handful of lessons that they've set up to have together with their family and friends. 
-Luz. tender mercy was being able to zoomed in to the baptism of Luz, who I had the opportunity have been teaching in Albuquerque!! So fun to be able to see that and lots of the people I love in another special part of the Lord's vineyard. 
Los amo muchΓ­simo!! Feliz Navidad desde la tierra prometida!! πŸ‡¦πŸ‡·πŸŽ„❤
Con todo el amor,
Elder Jackson 


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