November 15, 2021
I've been bad at writing so I'm starting early
Medranos Monday Night
Seriously the best family ever!!!!! I ñove them so much. We went over tonight to have our lesson with them after pday. And as we pull up We say a prayer like always and right at the end of the prayer Hector texts and is like it's been a día complicado, hasta mañana. So like come tomorrow. But i was like we are here rn it's alright so I didn't say anything and we went and knocked and they let us in of course! They looked a little stressed but they were like come in come in and had us sit. The kids were kinda just running around and Alma was making dinner but we talked with Hector and it was incredible. He told us first about all the hard things, like Ivan changing school. But then we asked about las tiendas and he starting telling little miracles he's been seeing. A company who all of a sudden is going to start buying meet from them. A guy who was lying to them about their prices but they found out and now it'll be way better. He found another carnicero to work for him and he is willing to work every Sunday! And then we asked him about church and he said he felt "liberación y paz y tranquilidad como nunca antes". He told us he told the people at work he wasn't going to answer his phone but he stil got calls and he said as he just ignored them he felt so much peace. And he especially loved a couple of the testimonies, but most of all the testimony of Luz Saucedo. Who's not a member and got up and bore witness of the peace and joy and family love she has felt. It was so cool!!! Then we started telling Hector like ok to have the spirit with you all the time you have to be baptized. And he was like I just want to have more time to give to church before then. And we were like bro you're already giving enough time! And he was like oh ok. We explained baptism isn't the top of the mountain, the temple is, being an eternal family is, living together in God's presence is. And when he thought about that you could see the Spirit working on him. We asked him how we felt and el dijo pues bien. Muy muy bien. Es lo mejor. And so we invited them to pray about baptism and he said he thinks by January for sure but that he's going to talk and prayer w Alma and let us know on Wednesday when we go back for dinner. And then after that all the kids sat down and read the Book of Mormon reader together with us and they understood it so well and all se portaron bien guau it was a little slice of heaven. Helping one another read. Even little Bobo!! Who is like 5 and gives us the cutest hugs when we leave. And then we said a prayer as a family bc Alma had just finished dinner and they all wanted to say the prayer! And they are so generous, they gave us each a plate of enchiladas, way spicy and way good. And then they were like oh but what about sus compañeros so they gave us 3 more plates to take for the other elders in our apartment!! And then they finished it off w a bag de carne seca, beef jerky. Which was also pretty spicy and dang good. They are just the best family ever and Elder Woodhouse and I basically floated back to the car haha. They are such a miracle, such a blessing to see their sacrifices for the Lord bring this change. It is the most beautiful thing to see them all doing it together as a family wow. I know this isn't written very well, not the best story teller but they are so special and just want to be able to remember this little experience. They're have been several others!!
Liz Monday night
And then we had a way cool call w Liz too!! We had our last lesson fall through and it was just down the street from Liz. So it was like 8:45 and we are like hm should we stop by? But we said ah probably not let's just give her a call. So we called and she answered on the second call! At first she sounded pretty stressed saying she had a long day and was about to get in bed. And then we just asked to leave her with a prayer, hoping she wasn't going to be mad that we had called so late. But we said a prayer and we start to say bye and stuff but then she goes actually can I say a prayer too? We said of course and she just says the most genuine prayer, thanking Heavenly Father for us and the gospel, the spirit, the change she's seen since being baptized, she said she knew this church is the true church, asked for all these blessings for her kids and other friends in need. It was really neat. We had been a little worried because she had those couple weeks after her baptism where we didn't talk to us much but it has been so impressive to see her come back and remain. She is so special!!
Wow!! The sisters gave us a referral, said they talked to this family outside but the mom only spoke spanish. But one of the sisters speaks Spanish, she's pretty good actually, and told her we could come by. So we didnt even know the name of the family but we went over on Wednesday. It was a little clunky, awkward when we first knocked but they finally remembered the sisters and the dad goes well if you're here to talk about Jesus youre in the right place come on in. Haha. So they clear off the kitchen table and the kids are running around but the parents sit down and are like alright teach us! We got to know them for a sec and their religious background a lil but basically just start teaching. Like 2 minutes in he goes wait give me just a second, and he goes and grabs a pen and paper and starts taking notes!!! Haha it was insane. He has a ton of questions but they are all super good and sincere. He said he has a lot ofnfaith but isn't super into religions, said no church could ever answer his questions. But he was super intrigued by everything, especially the Libro de Mormón and just the idea of a Restoration. We didn't get through all of the lesson but asked if we could come back and he was like yes absolutely any day you want. Haha so we went back a couple days later and same thing, pulls out the pen and paper and just super engaged and asking Questions. It was pretty crazy. He said they will be at church today so fingers crossed!
Saturday afternoons are the best! We just went to go stop by a dudes house we knocked on and gave him a pamphlet a few days earlier. We get out of the car just start walking down the street and this girl is sitting in the driveway in her car w the door open and I just make eye contact w her and she's like I need to go to rehab. I was like huh? Hello! She starts going off abt how she decided she's wasting her life away drinking so much and wants to change and had been praying for God to send some people to help when we walked by. Pretty nuts!!! Heavenly Father without a doubt just placed us perfectly in that spot to meet her. We talked for a while and invited her to church and stuff. She speaks both but we think is more comfortable in English so we are gave her number to the sisters
Medrano pt 2.
Back at the Medranos on Wednesday night for dinner!!! They are just the absolute best. She bought pizza for the kids and then made us steak fajitas. So good!!! She always cooks spicy which I love. It's so much fun to be with them and especially dinner. We go around and basically do highs and lows. Although normally it ends up just being the best part of the day bc the kids talk a lot haha. The best part was after we ate we shared a message and were able to talk about baptism with both of them. They both said they want to but want it to be on a special day. They asked us what day Jesus was baptized and we were like uh we don't know haha. We tried to explain the day isn't as important, really any day will be special. But they are kinda stuck on a picking a date, which is kind of a pet peeve of mine bc the day doesn't matter haha, but they said they'll pray about it and have one next time at least. They are still thinking some time in January which would be awesome. Definitely would have to get that zoom link. I'm really sad I'm leaving them
Fam Santa. Ya tiene navidad. Puerto Rico.
Consejo de zona
Cena con hno Neri
We go over to stop by this less active guys house and right as we go to knock he opens the door. He said he was on his way out to their food truck just down the street and he told us to go there and eat haha so we followed him down there he got us tacos! It was way nice. Pretty cold sitting outside but really fun. There are a million mexican food trucks out on the weekends so it was fun to try one. And it was good to be with him, he wants to come back to church but struggles a lot with drinking. But he said he'll be there today "con el favor de Dios" so fingers crossed. Also got the number of another dude while we were there
Cumpleaños de Nathaly!!
Saturday night was Nathaly's birthday!! Liz texted us and said she was going to make some food and invited us andd the other elders over. It ended up be like Liz and her whole family, all 6 of us missionaries, and then Hermana Gonzalez and her husband and son. It was was nice of her and they made some crazy good food. First they gave us ceviche, which is basically like pico de Gallo but with shrimp and crab in it. It is so dang good. And then the husband made "pollo y pan". Chicken and bread haha. He's from El Salvador and said it's a super traditional thing there which is dope. Nations of the world!! But they were these massive sandwiches, basically like a torta, but w this really good baked chicken and all these spices. It wasn't very spicy tho but they were massive and way good. But it was awesome just to be with Liz and her family. She had that light back in her was so special to see. And we were able to talk the husband about how he liked the temple open house and he went off about the Spirit he felt. We explained covenants and eternal marriage and he really liked it but still isn't ready to get baptized yet. But it was a really great experience
Wednesday night we had to go back up to the mission office to pick up our new comp Elder Thomas. We were putting Elder Ts bags in the car when Elder Hannemann hopped out of his car!!!! It was so good to see him!!!! Holy cow it made me so happy haha it had been like 2 transfers. I heard he was made a DL but neither one of us are good at emailing. We talked their for like 30 minutes though, it was a blast. He is seriously huge though it's crazy his arms and chest and just massive. He said he's doing great. He just finished training this little baseball/wrestling dude from spanish fork who is a really cool kid and he said they are doing really well. They've had a couple baptisms which is awesome. One crazy thing is they have a couple reservations in their area so they go out there like once a week at least. But he said the drive is like a hour and a half. Apparently his area is one of the biggest in the mission. But yeah he is so great it was such a blessing to see him, especially since we realized it'll probably be the last time I see him here in the mission since I leave before the next transfer. We got a pic so the next time we get one it'll probably be in Alpine!! It's so crazy we've been able to be together and everything. Definitely a life long friend!!!
Finger prints
On Wednesday we were up at transfers and at the mission office which was perfect bc I needed to go there to do my Visas stuff anyways. The sisters in the office are so nice it is always fun to see them. I grabbed my passport there though and went to a ups store to do these finger prints for my FBI background check thing. It was the most annoying thing though, I could not get good finger prints!! I sat there for no joke probably 10 straight minutes but the thing was all the visa stuff makes me a lil nervous I guess bc I just want it to all go smooth. Haha so my hands were a little sweaty I guess bc the scanning this COULD NOT get a good read. I am not kidding I probably tried 100 times, whipping my hands on my shirt, paper towel, a rag, everything. It was a little embarrassing hahah I think Elder Woodhouse wanted to kill me. Jk he's seriously the best, he was really patient and nice. But I am not kidding when I say it took me 30 minutes and calling a worker lady to walk me through it to finally get all the finger prints. But I was able to get them done and sent in the results for my Visa so I should be good to go!! Apparently there's a lot more paperwork like right before I go and a covid test and stuff but I think I should be good. Fasting and praying it all goes smooth!!
Crystal told us shes moving to Mexico in like a week so this week will be her last week at church. Super sad!!! But then she said she will come back every three weeks and she'll come to church when she's here but still sad, crazy she is actually leaving though. We are hoping we can go to the temple Stull before she leaves.
Just in other things, we have gone to the apartment gym every day this week! Normally it's like a once or twice a week thing bc we have so many weights in our garage, but they have treadmills and heavier dumbells there actually. So that has been super nice to run a mile in the mornings again! Something I did in El Paso. But I've also been losing a little more weight though I think 😬. I lift hard and have been eating really healthy and quite a bit. Mostly just my Carrots, cottage cheese, Tuna, wheat bread, and Oatmeal. I'm pretty thin I think, definitely want to gain some good weight after the mission, get huge honestly. I still feel really good though! Just kinda weird my pants are kinda loose now haha.
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