November 8, 2021
Hola a todos!!!
This week was another fantastic one but I won't waste any time to address the biggest news first. Last Monday right before pday ended I got the call from President -- I'll be flying out to Córdoba on December 9th!!!!! I am beyond excited to say the least!!!!
It was something I had been hoping for the longest time, and it was honestly surreal to finally get the call, but it also will be so sad to leave this mission and especially the incredible people I've met here. I thought the Lord knew me perfectly when I opened my call back in March of 2020 and read my dream assignment of Argentina, but I know without a doubt He knows me better than I know myself after being able to serve in El Paso and Albuquerque as well. I am humbled and grateful for the countless miracles I've seen. I've felt so much love from the Lord and for His children every step of the way. I am so excited to have this last month here in the NMAM and then finish out the last 9 months in La Gran MAC!!
Now some updates on our amigos eternos aquí and some other things from this past week
-La Familia Saucedo. They are still hard to meet with throughout the week and are going through some extremely hard legal things, but their faith is seriously unlike any other. They came to church and paid their tithing yet again, and this week mom got up and bore her testimony!! It was so powerful and the members and especially other investigators loved it.
-La Familia Medrano. Our other beloved family is doing well! They all came to church again which is always a treat! As well this week we have been really focussing on the Libro de Mormón. Reading it together, answering their questions, and really trying to help them get their answer that it's without a doubt true.
-Adela. She is so solid!! It was her birthday on Sunday and she had to work all day but she still came to sacrament meeting right before she had to go in. And she's still plowing through the Libro de Mormón and loves reading it. She's so legit
-Martin. This man is a little crazy not going to lie haha. He told us he wants to be baptized but then we are pretty sure he blocked our number a couple days later. Until he gave us a call on Saturday night at 10:15 saying he made dinner for us and was waiting for us to come over that night. He also said he's been studying a lot about our church and said he doesn't drink and even had some "Mormón cerveza", or Coke, for us when we come over. But then he wasn't able to make it to church on Sunday. So we will see what happens this next week with him! It will be exciting for sure
In other things, Saturday night the Mexican MMA fighter Canelo had a big fight and it kinda of shut down the town which was pretty funny to see. As many cars as you could fit parked in front of one trailer with people cooking carne in the back listening to Mariachi and watching the fight. As well we had another exchange with our District Leader and he is a stud!! He is actually going to be leaving our zone this next transfer which is sad but we grinded, saw some tender mercies finding a handful of people, and had a great day.
Some other last news is that since I'll be leaving mid transfer, we will be getting a third companion! I don't know too much about him but it will be fun to rock the trio starting this week until I head out. Elder Woodhouse has made such a big impact on me these past 3 transfers, I can't measure how much I've learned from him. I truly love him like a brother! It will be sad to leave him for sure but we are going to make the most of the time we have left, and now with our new comp as well!
Pensamiento Espiritual
As I mentioned, we have been working with the Familia Medrano a lot this week to help them come to know without a doubt the Book of Mormon is true. It has made me ponder on the power of Moroni's promise in the last chapter. I love what Elder Alliuad of the Seventy said when he came to our mission a few months back, that this promise is as sure as the law of gravity. If we have the requirements of a sincere heart, real intent, and faith in Christ, we will 100% receive an answer through the Holy Ghost that it is true. I have felt this power of this book every single day as I study it. It is pure doctrine, revelation, and truth. I've seen time and time again that many people don't realize this and don't make the time to study it's teachings. I wholeheartedly believe that every single person in the world has the time to read the Book of Mormon every single day, even if for just a few minutes, and promise as you do so you will feel it's power and spirit come into your life.
Last verse for yall is Eter 12:41 !!
Ándale pues, hasta luego!
Con todo el amor,
Elder Jackson
1 Anotha one!!
2 Dennys this week
3 Exchanges w Elder Peterson
4 Random one w Elder Woodhouse
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