Journal Update
October 11, 2021
It's been a few weeks since I wrote one of these and so much has happened dang!! I'll try to fill in on everything lately.
Insane day!!!! We went on exchanges w the other elders in our apartment. Theyre a trio so I went w two of them, one a greenie and another goes home in a few weeks but has only been in a spanish speaking area for about a month. So basically they both can't really speak. But I was determined to let them just talk bc the other third misionero just takes over normally. So I just made them talk and it was tough I'm not going to lie, but like somehow everyone we talked to was so nice and so open. Basically we just walked up to ppl and they go "We missionaries, you want message of Jesus Christ?" And legit just about every person we talked to said yes! Normally I don't even ask ppl if they want to hear a message, I just start talking to them normal things and transición into teaching gospel principles. They were doing the best of their abilities and the Lord was 100% using them. And it was true for people over the phone as well as in person. I legit think we found 8 new people and taught 12 lessons. And they couldn't even really understand the people. It was seriously insane, just miracle after miracle. Talking to a dude right as he's going inside his apartment - get his number, talk to a girl taking a pic of the sunset - gave her LDM and invited her and her fam to church, guy pulls up randomly to a house - willing to listen and already has LdM, handful of lessons on the phone including one at 8:56pm and then we stopped by the house of this lady and everything was locked up but her husband pulled up right as we were driving away - he said we could come back tomorrow. It was bonkers. We just grinded all night which I love and didn't get home until about 9:15. We didn't have a single lesson set after 6 but we were about grinding the whole time. At about 7:30 the greenie went back and forth between saying he wanted to go home bc he was fried and getting hyped bc of another lesson we just taught haha. It was fun to see them grow and see the Lord use them. I really didn't talk much at all, I would kinda just like coached them, whispering in English to tell them what they should do occasionally hahaha
I'm just going to give an update on the people lately as well as some other bigger things from the past three weeks or so
La familia Medrano
They are the legit best!!!!! Been reading, watching videos, going to church, going to all the activies throughout the week, feeding us dinner, meeting a ton of members, and letting us teach them like 3 ties a week. Also we've been helping in their store, stocking eveything and putting prices on all the products as they are getting ready to open up their second tienda. It's a ton of work actually. But they're the best!! We've talked abt baptism a lot, thr dad wants just a little more time. we really feel they're learning and growing and as they continue to read and pray and go to church and everything else he is going to feel it, and know without a doubt here soon.
La familia Saucedo
They've been super busy lately but are doing good!! They watched Conference as well which was awesome bc we weren't even sure if they did hah. It was kinda weird, a couple weeks ago they came to church and they were talking w Obispo and he took
Found through FB. Sosolid. Came to church the next day and then watched Conference w us at the church w another member. Very little religious background. We just taught her the resto and José Smith and I think she really could progress to baptism really soon actually. Works at Little Cesar's. Probably in her late 30s or 40s, single. Lives in trailer w her dad.
She has been struggling big time lately. She hasnt been able to come to church at all since her baptism about a month ago. The first couple weeks she had legit stuff but then she didn't even answer us. She sent us a text probably two weeks ago saying that she wasn't going to be answering her phone for the next little bit bc she was stressed and busy so it was hard to do much. And then E Woodhouse saw she posted some LGBT thing on Facebook so we were a pretty worried. But the other day we stopped by randomly at like 8:45 and she was there and she let us in!! It was a miracle that her husband was home too, normally he's gone bc he's a trucker, so we could go inside. It was great to just be w her again although she didn't have quite the same countenance which was super sad. She looked so overwhelmed and stressed and didn't have the same light. But I'm just grateful she let us in and doesn't like completely hate us for some reason. She said she's been reading a little bit and she watched some of Conference actually which is great. I really feel the LdM is the key to conversion.
General Conference
Conference was so awesome!!!!! Watched all the sessions in Spanish!!! Felt good and understood eveything, just took more mental effort. Have to be more focused. Just a little harder to take notes bc then I focus on the notes and not what they're saying as much but it was great. Not as many ppl as we were hoping were able to watch it and we just watched all of it at the church expect for the Saturday session we watched in the store of the fam Medrano which was fun. Then they took us out to dinner which was hyped. But it was great, so powerful. So many incredible talks. Felt some themes that stuck out to me were just the Love of God and Jesus Christ. Two great commandments, Love God and neighbor. Love God to be true follower, obedient. Love His children, see their potential. As well as covenants! Bc we love God. Key to this life, returning to Him.
Key to conversion!!! Daily immersion, study. Dedicate time to the Lord in study and prayer every single day!! Like daily food. Felt need to get all our ppl into the solid habit, routine, of reading. Converted to the Savior through that book so they don't fall away.
I've been studying charity a lot lately. Just what it is, how it looks. You can't have charity for personal reasons. It is completely centered on others. Highest of all attributes. It is the essence of our Savior. I've had a few cool experiences feeling it lately. Praying to know how I can teach the zone in zone council, and really just felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for each and every one of the missionaries, for all their sacrifices to be out here and how I should be focus more on all the good they are doing, be grateful to be around them, instead of their problems and things I can teach them. It was powerful and helped me prepare so much more.
Another topic and attribute that has been on my mind. Really has been on my mind for a long time now. I've been marking and studying especially about it for a while now. But still continues to feel really important and needed. Accepting God's will. Submitting to Him in all things. Learning from everyone around me. Focusing on other people, how I can help them. Not comparing for good or bad
Also been thinking a lot about Conversion lately. Being 100%, completely, entirely dedicated to the Lord. Consecrated to Him. Doing whatever He wants. Eliminating anything from my life that is disobedience or distracting. Including like focussing on working out too much so I've been trying to workout out less actually, make sure I'm on time with everything in the morning-being a few minutes early instead of late. I hate losing the time of the Lord, it makes me feel terrible. As well just the idea of how this is a life long process, to be completely consecrated to the Lord is something He requires in all time of your life, in all circumstances, situations, all ways. Including sharing the gospel your whole life as well as being diligent to keep the commandments. Also Conversion is a process, not an event. It is that ongoing strive strive give everything to the Lord, constantly repenting daily as we inevitably make mistakes. But the process of refining and always focusing on the Savior. Being willing to let God Prevail fully in our lives. It requires totality. Whole duration of life in all aspects. I loved E Ballard "Me amas más que estos" or Do you you love me more than these? I've been thinking abt that a lot. As well as a couple older talks, E Bednar "converted to the Lord" and E Holland "The first and great commandment". Wow really both of those are so powerful. Also the Spirit Converts. It changes hearts, Mos. 5:2 and then changes for life, Alma 23:6. It's the spirit that changes the hearts and then people have the desire to make covenants, that's when they are asking to be baptized not when we are trying to convince them. We can't do that. That's why it's so important to have the spirit, to be obedient and work as hard as possible so the Lord can use as an instrument in His Hands to help us feel the Spirit. That is success as a missionary. Also a term a love, "Verdadero discípulo" or true disciple. Charity and conversion!!
Argentina legit looks like it is going to up. It is so crazy. I honestly really do want to go still. Like my heart gets excited when I see something about it. But I know it is kind of silly because it is really so great here. I could be in a better position. I love the people. We are teaching a ton. I'm in a leadership position which is giving me so many opportunities to learn and grow. I love my comp. Elder Woodhouse is a stud and really has taught me so much. I'm still speaking spanish, all the time. Not quite immersed which I would love to be immersed. But still speaking all the time. I love my mission president. I could not have asked for a better mission so far. I have made relationships I will have for eternity. I know Heavenly Father knows me perfectly bc I really didn't know I needed to be here but I am so grateful I am. But at the same time it's crazy bc part of me still really wants to go to Argentina. But I'm trying to "lift where i stand" and focus on here and not get distracted. And also not talk about it too much bc I think it makes Elder Woodhouse feel bad. He really wants to go to Peru but I think tries to play it off. But I just saw something this morning that they are sending a group on Nov 4th so I think it is just a matter of time. If that day really comes it will be like is this actually real. But until then I love it here and just want to make the most of every second.
Haha kinda random but my most recent obsession is Oatmeal. It's so dang good and I eat like probably at least 2 bowls a day, 1 for sure and maybe a second at lunch and occasionally even a third ay dinner. Idk why but I love it. Just 1/4 c old fashion Oats, 1/4 c quick Oats, 1/2 scoop of vanilla protein, then cook it and then add a little vanilla and a tonnnn of spices haha. Cloves, nutmeg, pumpkin spices, and a mountain of cinnamon. Then a piece of wheat bread w honey. Wow. And I like it pretty watery I think might be the best way to go haha. I kind think it's probably weird but it's so good. Just had to throw that in there
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