Últimas dos semanas

September 13, 2021

Sorryyy I forgot to write one of these last week, it was such a crazy week but a reallybig one actually so I'll try and write about some of it real quick too. But this week has been great and super busy yet again haha. 
Last week 
Fire Zone Conference Thursday 
Friday was pretty stressful just bc I was worried about Liz and Nathaly. They hadn't had their baptismal interview yet and hadn't even been taught about the law of chastity or Tithing. So I was just worried making sure they would be good, I didn't want any last second surprises. As well I just was worried like what if they call and all of a sudden say oh uh yeah we're not getting baptized. Oh I guess also like on Tuesday of the week it was absolutely pouring rain. Like pouring it was crazy. But we needed to go visit them so we went and it was the first time I have ever worn my rain coat I think haha. But we went and Liz was outside crazy enough, she had just gotten back from going to Texas w her husband. So we talked for like two seconds w her bc it was pouring but she was like yeah my husband said I can't get baptized if I was baptized as a baby and also my Dad thinks I should wait a year learning before I get baptized. And that basically sent my stress level from 0 to 100 really fast. So that's mostly why I was stressing too and we were just kinda behind the game a little bit w the planning and stuff. BUT it all worked out bc Friday afternoon we went and went through the interview questions, something that should be done like a week in avance prolly, and then the DL came over to her house and did the interview that night while on exchanges w the other elders in our ward so it was perfect. They really are both so awesome, Liz and Nathaly wow. So much faith and so ready to receive the gospel. Its cool to already see the change in them. 
Their baptism itself was great!! We were kinda scrambling to find speakers tho bc the hnas who were going to actually had to get tested for covid. But we found some people last second!! It was great to have some ward members there and they talked for a really long time. It was super cool too bc Hno Ibarra just randomly felt impressed to make extra food that morning, he's a chef, and so he brought it and it was super fun and nice to be able to eat and kind of celebrate Liz and Nathaly with all the other members as well. A great time for her to get to know them and not to mention the food was soooo good. Another really cool thing w the baptism was that it was Elder Woodhouse's first one!!! So it was super special that we could both baptize, and it made it super easy bc they're were two of them. It was such a cool experience. 
Sunday was a heck of a day oh my goodness!!! We had so many people come to church and Liz and Nathaly were able to be confirmed!! Even if they did show up 10 minutes late, after they had already announced their baptism and eveything haha. But it was great they got their in their jeans and we just did it after the sacrament. It was so great to do it there so the members and other investigators could see. Thr other people that came were Juan and Luz and their family, a new guy named Adolfo (we had one of the most powerful resto lessons w him earlier in the week), and Crystal who is also new this week and wow is she prepared. So it was fast and testimony meeting which was awesome bc after the confirmation a bunch of members got up and talked about missionary work and their own conversions. And then towards the end Crystal looks over at us and then just gets up and goes and bears her testimony!! She talked abt how she had been in depression but since talking to first the English sisters over the phone and then us like a week earlier she had felt such a peace and light and that she's going to be here to stay in the church. And how it's normally pretty hard for her to read but she can read the LdM. So wow!! After the meeting all the members came and swarmed Liz, Nathaly, and Crystal it was the best thing ever haha. And then after second hour we gave Crystal a tour of the capilla and we had Liz and Nathaly help us with it and it was so sick Liz and Crystal talked for a long time about the difference they've felt and similar trials they've had. We showed Crystal the font and she literally asked us when she could be baptized before we could even invite her haha. So crazy!!!! So many miracles that really are just from God, I haven't done anything. 

This week  
Exchanges, lady who hated me, good dinner w nice big normal family, little slower night. I love my area, Elder Woodhouse, spanish, my apt, etc. 
Juan y Luz 
Felt at home, have been reading, coolest fam ever. 13yr old son who I think was involved in gang/drug stuff. They are so cool. 4th straight week at church!!! And they got to meet some awesome hermanas. 
Cofee and saints. Came to church and said she is going to be baptized on the 25th!!!!! And then she calls us on the way to dinner and said her daughter and her aunt who came to church with her want to be baptized as well!!!!! Wowwww 
Dog died. New dog. Trying to drop tea. Came to church!!!!!! Ah that made me so happy we have been working so hard with her it was so great to have her at church. It made me so happy!!!!! 
Such a cool thing too, the speakers spoke about Tithing and then the temple and covenants. It was legit perfect bc we didn't know how to bring Tithing up with Patricia again but they talked about it there and it was so good!!!!! And we called her later after dinner w la familia Gonzalez and they were so fire and Patricia totally accepted it!!! And the next talk about the temple and covenants was absolutely perfect for the family. It was such a good Sunday!!! 


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