Semana Especial !!

September 6, 2021

Hola hola!!! 
This week was absolutely insane!! A little stressful at the beginning but seriously so many incredible miracles!! The Lord is pouring out his blessing and it is crazy to see and just be a part of. 
So many cool things things week but nothing better than the baptism of Liz and Nathaly on Saturday!! It was a little bit of a stressful road to get them there, mostly because some unexpected things that came up in their family life as there always seems to be haha but it all worked out. We were able to have the last lesson we needed with them to teach the final little things and get their interview done on Friday night. They have been so prepared from the day we met them about a month ago and it really has been so neat to see that light they have grown and Saturday was such a special day. And the best part is I know it is just the beginning for them! 
As good as Saturday was, church on Sunday had to be up there with one of the most amazing experiences of my whole mission as well!! After a slight scare of showing up 10 minutes late, Liz and Nathaly got confirmed and it was super powerful!! It was especially awesome because we were able to have a ton of our other friends we are teaching there as well. The confirmation really brought a special spirit and a ton of members got up and bore some fire testimonies about missionary work, a lot of them being converts themselves. Then, to our shock, a lady we started teaching this week named Crystal got up and bore her own testimony!!! She talked about the light she's felt since she referred herself earlier in the week. She said she's been to a lot of different churches and hasn't ever felt like she did this past week. And it turns out her brother happens to be a less active member in our ward but she didn't even realize it was the same church until we gave her the address of the chapel. It was seriously craziness. She is so prepared to receive the gospel and it's so cool how much she's felt the Spirit. After church we were able to give her a tour of the capilla and we had Liz and Nathaly help us show Crystal and her daughter around. It was one of the coolest things ever to see just confirmed member Liz teaching and testifying to Crystal. At the end Crystal asked us if she could be baptized so we put her on date for the 25th of September! It is honestly surreal to see the Lord's work progress in His miraculous ways. 
We saw a handful of other tender mercies this week as well that left me increasingly humbled and grateful. We had a super powerful first lesson with a man named Adolfo, as well as had a fantastic lesson with the new family we have been teaching and they made it to church for the third straight week! A couple other highlights were we fasted with our friend Patricia so she can kick her Word of Wisdom habits and then had a spiritual feast at Zone Conference. Really so many good things this last week!! 
My spiritual thought to you all with one of my favorite verses about the Spirit. It truly is one of the greatest blessings Heavenly Father gives us! A constant guide, source of comfort, witness of truth, and so much more! I'm so grateful Liz and Nathaly will now be able to have that gift and as well for the others who are feeling the influence of its power! Jacob 4:13 says "the Spirit speaketh the truth and lieth not. Wherefore, it speaketh of things as they really are, and of things as they really will be; wherefore, these things are manifested unto us plainly, for the salvation of our souls." I hope you all can take some time to hear the Spirit this week! 
Love you all so much!! Happy Labor Day!! 
Elder Jackson 

1 bautismo!! 
2 rain jackets for the first time ever 
3 sunset 
4 kind note for Elder Woodhouse 


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