July 12, 2021
Elder Johnson said bye people. Had to be in bit was the 5th. Huge rain storm. Couple random cool lessons over the phone.
Pretty inefficient morning. Got Elder Johnsons Covid test. Opened my package tho from Paty y Diana!!!! They are the nicest ever!!!! Calvin Klein socks, cologne, and a card!! I love them so much. We had quite a few citas in the afternoon w Elder Johnson saying his last goodbyes. Had dinner down in Los Lunas w his recent coverts down there. It rained like crazyyyy on the way home. It was a little scary driving homeand we had to stop for a sec under an overpass but we made it back. Super weird to have a companion go home, lie to see people actually do go home. Elder Johnson was a great guy though. We had more differences in personality than I thought originally but he was exactly obedient, loved the people, and loves the Lord.
Dropped off Elder Johnson, weird to be back at the mission office. Spent the day in my area with one of my DLs, Elder Barnum. Hes a really good dude. He was assigned to Taiwan so he ended up giving a lot of prayers in mandrin and the mexicans loved it haha. We had a solid day and they we picked up Elder Woodhouse at like 9:45. We didnt get back until like 10:30 and then tried to get E Woodhouse a little adjusted and we had to throw out a bunch of things left behind from other elders and just clean up the apt bc it had gotten pretty dirty. And we had another set of elders stay the night with us because it was too far for them to drive all the way back. It was a busy night haha.
Had a really good day!! Went and painted some cabinets for this lady in our ward. Or at least started w that. Then we had some super good lessons. Taught Jesús w Hno Ibarra. Then taught the 3 kids we are teaching, they are really fun. Then taught a new lady from a media refferal who actually seems really solid. Then went over to the lady whos fsmily was all smoking weed in the garage when we walked up. She told us her son got shot 4 in the neck in their kitchen by his gfs brother. Left 3 kids behind. Super sad. But this lady had so much faith. We were able to explain the Spirit world and talked about baptism. The Spirit was really so strong. Then talked to a family across the street and taught them a little bit and they said we can come back on Tuesday. Then we came back and had a lesson w Patricia over the phone. We followed up on her prayers about baptism and she said she feels ready!! Accepted date for the 31st of July. Super excited about her!! Kinda crazy how she was just so open and relt ready. Then we planned Zone Council until late but it was good!! Felt good about what we prepared
Zone council went great!! I really felt a lot of lovd for each missionary in the zone. It was really cool because that's something ive been praying more for. I really feel we have an awesome zone and am so grateful to be here. We gave a training on the importance of bringing up baptism early and how the Spirit truly is the guide to know how and when. I love the Spirit and know it is absolutely essential to the work. Then the commitment we made was super neat, we are going to do a 40 day fast from anything that drives away the spirit, so like no slang, no singing non consecrated music, and whatever else you feel doesn't invite the spirit. Its kind of intense i guess but its really cool, i know we are going to see some huge miracles from it and the spirit is the most important thing!!!!
Some good lessons in the evening! Had a lesson w Gabriela and it actually was her birthday so that was cool. Then we talked to this dude who i thought was super elect and then turns out he's on meth and just absolutely nuts haha. Then lastly we had a super cool lesson with the Familia perez who we've stopped by a couple times but hadn't been able to teach
Finished up painting the cabinets for an hermana in our ward. Then we had some good lessons! We had some incredible experiences with Jesus wow!! Basically we called him up and had him pray and he went from feeling all this fear to having peace. And then we stoppped by his house that night and met anf taught his family and it was so powerful. And then they made us food haha. And Argentina won the Copa America. It was super cool
No one came to church sadly:(( the advsersary was working hard on our friends. Patricia had some crazy family things and then Jesus's son had some problem w his car or something so they all couldnt come. But it was still great to be at church as always!
We had dinner with a member and they actually invited Patricia to come eat with us and she made it to that, so that was way fun!!! The food was way good too, carne asada, corn, chile Colorado, and some other good Mexican food. And some fresca which was incredible haha. But it was super good to have Patricia be there with these two families.
We went and stopped by the house of the guy who got killed and were looking for the guys mom but his wife actually answered. She and the 3 kids live in a different part of ABQ but i guess are there a lot to be w the mom. We were able to share a message with her too and it was super powerful. So cool that it all started w the garage filled of ppl smoking weed. Who knows how they will continue to progress but the spirit has been so strong in the lessons we've had with them
Then we had like 30 minutes left and we went to stop by this family but they werent home. But then Jesus called us and itbwas his son so we sat in the car and talked to him and set up a lesson w him for tomorrow. And then the family who was gone pulled up and we were able to talk to them which was super cool!!!
We finished off the night with putting in numbers and it took forever because the APs accidentally deleted like all of the stuff so we had to do it twice basically haha. And then we had call ins w the DL like normal and I always hated when the ZLs would just ask for the numbers and hang up. So I just like to see how eveything is going and stuff anf we were there until like 10:45 which was super late i do admit. But E Woodhouse wasnt too happy, he thought it was just inefficient so we kinda talked out it. It was good though! All is well in ABQ
Elder Woodhouse
He is an awesome guy. He has kinda wanted to change eveything since the second he got here, like just cleaning up he apartment which is good as well as just like the way we do some things which was a little of an adjustment haha but a lot of the changes are good and needed. I've been pretty chill and just trying to be humble with it all. Hes a really good missionary though and we have a lot more in common than Elder Johnson and I did. And we have seen some insane miracles already and have so many people who have a lot of potential. Elder Johnson and I found 31 people last transfer so i feel like we have a good amount of people now. And then we found 11 more and taught 28 lessons which is pretty dang nuts. So seriously there are so many miracles we are seeing.
Likes everything clean. Works out hard. Nice guy. Like kinda quiet but hes a cool guy. I am super grateful and excited to have him here and to be here in this area for real!!!
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