Semana de Conferencia de Estaca

June 21, 2021

Super good lesson with Gabriela!! She has been taught for a while but had been super flakey. We finally had a good lesson w her Sunday night over thr phone and then she said we could come by the next day so we went and had another really good lesson all about baptism pretty much! We read 2Nefi31 and it was awesome. Then we went and knocked some doors and had some really good conversations! I felt like a real missionary haha. This one guy named Javier especially seemed cool but said he works a lot. Which is so common, not enough time to Let God Prevail. But I understand it's so hard for ppl to see that, they're trying to make a living. Its definitely a hard thing for people. But it was a great night 
I heard it was 100 degrees but I didn't actually leave the apt lol. Zone Conference, MLC, Bap interview, and then a night of calling people and Facebook finding. But Zone Conference was seriously incredible!!! Spirit was strong and I really feel I got some revelation 
Solid day! Had a meeting with the Stake President and he is a super nice man. Asjed us why we are serving a mission and what we learned from our stake presidents. Cool to think back and have opportunity to share those things. I know I'm on my mission because more than anything I love my Savior. I want to serve Him and show that love. As well show that Love to His sheep. It is such a privilege to be a missionary, it is such a sacred time. Then later that night we had a really good lesson with our guy Jesus!! He's been in poor health, I guess he is blind or at least partially I think. But he's been doing better lately and really understanding well. Taught him abt baptism and specifically the preisthood and he really liked it. Hes an awesome guy 
Went and helped this family move. It was set up by this non-profit organization so we didnt know them at all. Was this sad white poor grandma. Her stuff was gross but she was nice and really grateful. She smoked constantly tho which is something I haven't seen much surprisingly. But it was a good experience to serve her. Then that night we had to go to the opposite side of ABQ to do some baptismal interviews. It was a mom, 17 yr old son, and 8 yr old daughter. E Johnson started w the mom and I w the 17 yr old. He was a stud, totally ready to get baptized it was awesome. Its super neat in these interviews to get to know these people who have just recently found the light in their lives. But then i come out and E Johnson is still in w the mom. It had been a while and he probably was in there for an hour. Turns out there was a question 4 concern, so like crime or abortion, which was just really sad. She was understanding, just has to talk to president. And then after all that i still had to interview the little girl and at first she couldnt remember anything, like anything. It was awk bc you adjust it to the age but like still. But in the end she remembered and opened up and it was good. But then we had a long drive back and got back really late. But memorable time for sure. 
District Council was good! Got to give a talk on the Christ like attribute, I chose Humility and actually felt really good about it! 
Then in the evening had a couple quick lessons with both Gabriela and Jesus. Then went to this special Spanish Fireside for Stake Conference. It was way cool to have a meeting just for the spanish speakers in the stake. There's just our ward and another branch down south more but it was awesome. Talked abt the power of the Book of Mormon and all these secondary evidences, acient hidtoric stuff that shows the people in South and Central America knew about Jesus Christ. Elder Torres of the 70 is here and put it all together. Also i love speaking spanish 
Really needed and interesting lesson in the afternoon. Theres this YSA aged dude who is white but got baptized in our ward bc hisbstep mom is hispanic. Got baptized in March but hasnt been to church at all since so we've been trying to meet w him for weeks but couldnt until Saturday. Hes an interesting dude for sure but super kind heart, down to earth guy. Gone through a lot. We watched this cool video and talked abt the Savior and then he totally opened up and told us he smokes weed daily and some other tough things he's been through. But he said he wanted to change, or at least lesrn for himself. So he wants to read the Bible. We got him going in the Book of Mormon though. Hes never opened it up until then so that was cool. Then we had more meetings!! A stake council meeting and thr adult session. Both really good!! President and Sister Weathersby were there and they are awesome. They had Elder Johnson and I come up and do this little demonstration thing with them in the adult session haha. I was a little nervous haha but it was really good! And the other speakers were all awesome too. They had a temple worker speak and I miss the temple!! As well Elder Torres just taught about the Atonement and Christ like love and kindess. Felt like i received some revelation for sure. 
Día de los padres!!! 
Stake Conference was great!! Really good talks and I felt it was all centered on Jesus Christ. Everything was focused on Him, as it should be. Other than that it was so nice to be able to call and chat to you all!! And in the evening we ended up having two lessons just kind of out of the blue and setting up several appointments for the next couple days! It was a solid night! 
Some things I've studied in the past week 
Act in all Diligence - E Erying. We must be diligent to Lord, converted to Him and actively striving to be obedient and serve, whole life. 
First Great Commandment - E Holland. If ye love me feed my sheep. Lord needs disciples for their whole lives. Have to give everything, whole heart, whole life to Him. 
Converted to the Lord - E Bendnar. Testimony is knowledge of the Savior. Conversión is consistently living according to the knowledge. Truly being not just doing. Conversion means you never fall away. 
Bear up Burdens - E Bendar. Truck in the snow. The load is what helps us progress. The Atonement gives us strength to overcome as well as forgive sin, enabling power. Yoked w Christ, he bears burden. Covenants bind us to Him. 
1 Nefi 1-12 
Nefi is so diligent. Exactly obedient. Lehi preaches of keeping Commandments so much. The attitude of Nefi is so good, always humble and asks the Lord in diligent, humble pray to know things of father. 1N3:7, one of my all time favorites. Nefi is a leader, encourages and teaches to be faithful. He was always positive, looking for good, looking to the Lord. Also the family left everything, gave everything to the Lord. Acted immediately on revelation. Received revelation constantly throughout. The goal is eternal life, partaking of fruit as a family. Hold to the rod, Book of Mormon Daily. Can't be casual. Great and spacious are those ewho mock righteousness and obedience. Lord grants unto our desires. The Lord loves us perfectly. 

How can I balance being diligent, not wasting a minute, and loving people. Taking time to love them, one by one. ?? 


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