Re: Last couple weeks!!

June 14, 2021

Sorry i forgot to write abt last week so i wrote abt both this week. Love you both so much!!! Talk to you soon!! 
Last week first! 
Over 3 hours long but super good. I shared abt temples and it ended up being a big thing throughout
President is the best. Said he needed an Ammon here, so cool. So nice. The zone is good! Lots of changes but the Lord is pruning his vineyard!
Familia Lopez
Victor Montes 
Comps got vaccinated
I stayed and we did mini exchanges lol taught an english class
El Paso peeps
Diana got a calling!! Luis and Carmen are good, they went and saw them again at a restaurant 
Like no one there 5 minutes before. No WC. Nice people tho just not the same as 3rd Ward. Got to introduce myself in sac meeting! 
Comps in apt
Elder McGahan. Super super nice dude. He's hilarious. Going home this tranfers too. From Cedar city. Knows E Neilson! 
Elder Reed. Nice guy. Idaho. 8 months.
Elder Hennum. Missouri. Also super funny guy. He says all this slang like "cracked" for good and tells us stories of picking corn in the fields w his red neck buddies, and misses music a lot haha he told me Drake dropped a new album and its way good! Idk how I'm going to feel about rap after the mission tho haha. Hes called to Chile, learning Spanish 
Good dude! Super nice guy, normal, we get along good. It has been maybe a little bit of a Candace theory situation tho haha. He's cool but just not like exactly what I thought he was like before. He didn't really say much to me the first night I got here which I thought was weird but I think he was almost like a little intimidated or something. He played the saxophone in high school and did band and stuff. Told us the cringiest stories of some dating stuff wow hahaha. And he talks in weird voices sometimes , sometimes it gets a little old but it is good. Also hisbdad is an orthodontist in the army, which is cool. I think his dad is pretty frugal tho. I still don't really know how there is an ortho in the army tho, why do they need braces? Lol just a thought. After learning more it makes some more sense. We are good and everything tho! But we aren't like as close as Elder Neilson and I. But he's a lot better missionary. But the guys in the apt are super fun. And all super obedient!! Really big blessings 
Esta semana!! 
Dinner w Obispo. Room of guns, matts heaven. Said my spanish sounded like I was Brazilian lol idek. Pdrisismo 
MLC. Super good!! Obedience, feast on scriptures, revelation. Urgency and diligence. Planning is essential and then diligence to those inspired plans!! 
Oh my goodness HUGE miracles!!! 
La familia Andrade. 10 yr old. Spirit so strong. 
Yadira. Little girls bday! Mom had baby 3 days ago 
Los De la Riva!!!! Part member couple, helpef him w his car, shared message, so nice!!! 
Some fire mole for dinner and one of the best mangos of my life 
Incredible day wow, super grateful 
Solid, pretty normal day. Met this super nice lady named Paloma who is the sister of a lady we were supposed to have a lesson with. Then got some blind closed on me as I tried to talk to this lady through her window bc there was a huge dog by the front dog lol she wasn't interested. 
Super good lesson w Maria Lopez! She's awesome. Works on Sundays but said she will ask for a Sunday off here soon. Really likes what we teach, spirit was super strong. Luis texted and told me he thinks they will get baptized soon!!!!! 
District council! Solid day 
Run in the morning!! Feels so good after wow. Service again for the Moroccan/Jamaican people. Good studies and a couple lessons at night. Solid day 
I saw Elder Hannemann at church!!! Good day at church even tho the only person we had come was a recent convert. But that was good at least! Also we got a new bishop! I don't know him at all and apparently hes normally prety busy, hasnt had too much interaction w the missionaries before but he seems like a nice guy. Hes been the bishop before actually. I feel like I'm starting to know a good amount of the members tho!! There really aren't too many haha. We had a good night filling in numbers and talking to the zone until like 10:40. First like somewhat problems are arrising lol like one companionship doesn't get along too well, another won't get out of bed, some sisters had their car broken into. All fun stuff! 
Finished the LdM again this am!! As well read my patriarcal blessing which is always super powerful. So much wisdom and counsel and I always feel that the Lord knows me so personally


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