Milagros in the Burque

June 7, 2021

Hola hola!! 
It was another great week as a full time representative of the Lord and a first full week here in the Burque! I am feeling way more adjusted and the Lord continues to pour out blessings here in Nuevo México just as he did in El Paso!
I mentioned last week the work was a little bit slower than it was in El Paso but we had some huge miracles and we were able to find 8 new people to teach, including a family!!! Most of them are formers who were taught a while back but now are interested again. It makes me so grateful for the missionaries who planted those seeds months or even years back, as well as grateful for the tender mercy to now reconnect with these people! The new family we are teaching is la familia Lopez, it's a mom and her 14 year old daughter and 7 year old son who actually turns 8 the same day as my little brother Z which is so sick!! We just had one lesson with them but the spirit was so strong and I already love them. I'm pumped to keep working with them and the others God has prepared for us here in Albuquerque! 
One other of the people we started teaching this week that I'll talk about real quick is a man named Victor! He requested a missionary visit which is pretty typical but he said he has been looking into our church quite a bit which is way cool! He had some good questions and said he and his wife would love to learn more so hopefully things will go well with them too.
This week we also had interviews which were a great time!! It is always a treat to be able to spend time with President and learn from him. At transfers there were lots of changes made in the zone so everyone is adjusting a little but I really feel the Lord pruned his vineyard and that we are going to see the fruit as we labor in the Los Lunas Zone! 
In other things we did some service sifting dirt in these people's backyard which was a ton of work but some good fun. They were a service reference from Facebook and the couple seems way cool, hopefully the english speaking sisters in our area can start teaching them. He is from Jamaica and she is from Morraco which is pretty dope! Super nice people! 
For a spiritual thought this week I was studying one of my all time favorite stories in el Libro de Mormón of the brother of Jared. There are so many different things to be learned from his experiences in these chapters but one thing that stuck out to me as I read it this time was the gratitude of the families as they crossed the ocean. Gratitude really is the key to happiness no matter our circumstances. It says that the winds, or trials, did not cease to batter them but at the same time push them to the promised land. And through it all they did not cease to give praises unto the Lord! I'll just leave you all with this last verse, "And they did sing praises unto the Lord; yea, the brother of Jared did sing praises unto the Lord, and he did thank and praise the Lord all the day long; and when the night came, they did not cease to praise the Lord." 
More than anything for my Savior Jesus Christ, His infinite sacrifice, and the opportunity to share it with others as a missionary. I'm grateful for all of you as well and for all the love and support. I love you all, have a great week! 
Con todo el amor, 
Elder Jackson
1 Elder Johnson and I at a lake, who knew New Mexico had water?! 
2 Back at it with a nice sunset 
3 Post morning run selfie w some other elders in the apt 


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