Meetings on Meetings

June 21, 2021

Hola, hola, hola!!

 It has been another great week in New Mexico! 
This week we had the first half of Zone Conference over zoom, as well as Stake Conference, so this week was chalk full of meetings. I didn't even leave the apartment on Tuesday which was actually alright though because I heard it was over 100 outside. And seriously every single meeting we had was great, I feel like I got a ton of revelation this week! I just hope I can retain all of the great instruction we received. I'll definitely be reviewing all my notes for the next little. A couple highlights were they held a special Spanish session for the spanish speaking members here because the visiting Area Seventy is a native spanish speaker. As well Elder Johnson and I did a little role play in the adult session with our mission president which was pretty fun! And then President and Sister Weathersby also spoke in the regular session on Sunday and it is always just a treat to get to hear from them. I really felt edified by the great counsel given in all the meetings even though it was a lot of sitting. 
As far as the work we also had a solid week there! We were able to have a few really great lessons with a couple people who have been being taught for a while but who've struggling to progress before this last week. The first is a lady named Gabriela. Shes super sweet but has previously been really flakey, but for whatever reason she wasn't this week! We had some really good lessons about baptism and are hoping she will continue to be solid! The other is a older man named Jesús! He is so cool. He is actually partially blind and recovering from some health issues but he has been getting way better lately and has been able to meet a lot more! He has so much faith and he is really understanding the priesthood which is huge! He has been praying that his vision will come back too which would be a crazy miracle but he might just have the faith haha. 
The spiritual thought I wanted to leave with you all is something that President has shared with us a few times now and once again in Stake Conference. He talks about how when at the end of the school year and people sign yearbooks they often write "don't change"! However, in reality the thing we should write and be doing is is to never stop changing, or in other words repenting!! Daily repentance is the key to progressing, being happy, and becoming more like our Savior. The Atonement is the most powerful thing and will give us power to be better, not only cleanse us from sin. It is something we need in our lives every single day. I read and loved D&C 50, and I especially like how verse 24 talks about adding light. That truly is what we are doing as we repent and striving to be better daily. So keep changing!! Keep striving to be a little more diligent and loving!! Keep adding the light and power of the Savior into your life on a daily basis
D&C 50:24
"That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day."
Lastly, I just wanted to wish a very happy Father's Day to all the fathers! I've been immensely blessed to have countless incredible father figures in my life. Outstanding coaches, church leaders, grandparents, uncles and more, all who have had an impact on me and to whom I am extremely grateful for. But I'm most grateful for my own father. He's truly my best friend and biggest example!! His constant sacrifice, love, kindess, and dedication to the Lord are just some of the many attributes he has and I strive to emulate. Everyone who knows him knows exactly what I mean!
That'll do it for this week! Love you all so much!! Tengan una buena semana!! 
Con amor,
Elder Jackson 

Sorry lots of meetings = basically no pics :(
1 Sunset of course! 
2 Some fútbol for District pday 


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