Heating up in the Burque

June 14, 2021

Hola a todos!! Hope you all have had great week!! I really can't believe it's the middle of June, it really is shocking how fast time going! Summer is setting in here and it was 100 degress all week. As well we were blessed to find another handful of people to teach so things are really heating up in Albuquerque, in more ways than one!! 
We had some more huge miracles yet again this week!! Last week we set up a lesson with a lady and we went over this week and turns out her 3 kids were there and they all wanted to listen too! The kids are 16, 14, and 10. And wow the little 10 year old is the absolute goat. This little man straight up loves the Bible, like just devours it. We brought him a new Bible when we came as well as a Book of Mormon and he didn't put them down the whole time!! We asked him about prophets and the guy just went off, it was the craziest thing. Apparently he reads it every day and tells his whole family about what he reads. It is incredible to see this little 10 year old sparking interest in the whole family. We were able to teach them about the Restoration and the spirit was so powerful and they said they could feel it. It was an awesome experience and I can't wait to see them progress!
Another super neat experience we had this week was with this part member couple! We got a call last Sunday night from a random number and it turned out to be this less active hermana who some how got our number and asked us to come over and share a message with her. We were kinda shocked but of course said absolutely! She said her husband wasn't going to be interested in listening at all but when we got there he was outside cleaning off his car. So of course we took advantage of the golden opportunity and helped him out for a little and got to know him. Sure enough when we finished up he was willing to join us for the message. We explained the Book of Mormon and testified of its power and he was super interested!! And it turrns out the wife is such a solid member but just moved from El Paso a little while back and hadn't gotten integrated with the ward or anything because of Covid. So we are also really pumped about Fabian and Elizabeth! 
Some other highlights of the week were I saw Elder Hannemann at church on Sunday!! He was there at our building with a friend he is teaching, introducing him to the English ward that meets before us. He is such a stud and it's always so fun to see him!! It has been weird not seeing him nearly every day as I did in El Paso. It was an awesome tender mercy!! In other things, I got a text this week from my friend Luis in El Paso. He told me him and Carmen are planning on getting baptized soon!!! They still aren't exactly sure on a date but I cannot express how happy I was to hear that!!! They are some of the greatest people ever and I've felt such a special connection with them since I met them. Now I just have to beg President to let me go down for the baptismal!! And my other eternal friends from El Paso, Paty and Diana, got callings and spoke in church this last week so they are doing great as well!! 
For my spiritual thought I was reading in Moroni 7 the other day in my personal study. When I started I the chapter and I was thinking about the last few verses that teach so clearly and powerfully of Charity, so I was like yes charity, I love reading about charity!! And truly it is the most important Christ-like attribute of all. But this time as I read the chapter the first parts about faith and hope were especially profound. I love what Mormon says about faith and how it brings miracles!! I've been so blessed to see countlesss miracles in this work and know they come as I, and much more impressively, the people I have rhe opportunity to teach, exercise faith in our Savior. I know faith brings miracles! I'll leave you with the words of Mormon in these two verses. 
Moroni 7:29-30
29 And because he hath done this, my beloved brethren, have miracles ceased? Behold I say unto you, Nay; neither have angels ceased to minister unto the children of men.
30 For behold, they are subject unto him, to minister according to the word of his command, showing themselves unto them of strong faith and a firm mind in every form of godliness.
Have a great week, enjoy another week of summer!! Best time of year without a doubt. Love you all so much!! 
Mucho amor,
Élder Jackson 
1 Turns our our Obispo has an armory in his office 
2-3 Back at it w a couple sunsets 
4 Quick back seat selfie w the brethren 


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