Abrir la Boca !!
June 28, 2021
Hola Hola!!
This week was such a great one!!! I've got a few stories so sorry if this is a lil longer!
On Tuesday we had the in person part of Zone Conference and it was awesome!! President told us we are now allowed, and actually encouaged, to go street contacting!! We had some trainings about normal and natural conversations and the importance of opening your mouth. I absolutely loved it and we've been talking to any living creature in our path since. It is so much fun, I can't even express how good it felt to be a 'normal' missionary. And it was even more amazing to see some huge miracles that came as we simply opened our mouths!!
The first cool experience came when we were on exchanges on Wednesday. I was hosting an Elder and we had some time at the end of the night and we were going to pass by this part member couple's house. But on the way over I was driving and all of the sudden I felt like we should go try this other house instead. So we just followed it! Well it turns out that guy wasn't actually home but there were all these people on the corner just down the street so we had to go check it out. There was a whole family gathering going on, with most of them having a good time smoking in the garage when we walked up, but there was one dude out on the sidewalk with a baby. He told us there was a recent death of a son in the family so they were getting together to celebrate his life. We were able to share a breif message about the Plan of Salvation and they were super interested. The funeral was this last weekend but we are hoping to meet with them again this next week. It was so cool to see how the Spirit led us there as we were willing to act!!
We had a similar situation a couple days later too with another family!! We went to knock on this man's door who had been taught a long time ago but his fence was all locked up and there was a not so friendly looking dog as well. However, his neighbor happened to be outside so we went and struck up a conversation with him. Just as he was telling us he's catholic and not interested, his wife walks out of the house dragging her 12 year old son, comes up, and asks us to talk with him beccause he has had some depression after being bullied in school. It was kind of shocking to hear her ask us for help after her husband was literally just telling us to leave haha. But we were able to teach the three of them right there about Christ and the Atonement and the whole family wants to be taught now!
Some other eventful things from the week that weren't related to opening your mouth but were great nonetheless! :
-We have been teaching this guy named Alberto for the past few weeks! He has been going through some things but really knows everything we've taught is true. This past week we invited him to be baptized and he said yes!! But sadly he then told us about some legal situation he's in for the forseeable future so he won't be able to be baptized for a while. But he's still way cool and we are excited to keep preparing him for when he can get baptized!
-With our friend Jesús who I mentioned last week he is doing really well!! We had some really fire fellowship on the calls with us and it was powerful!! Members really bring miracles to the work, adding perspective, experience, and friendship. Jesús has some doctors appointments this week and we are praying he will be cleared to come to church!
-There is this newly wed couple with the husband who is a returning member, and his wife who is pregnant and isn't a member. We've been trying to meet with them for a while so we were hyped when he gave us a call this week and asked us to give his wife a blessing! It was yet another miracle. And the wifes mom was there too and we know they all felt the spirit and power of the preisthood.
-Next up, we've got Kíke who came to church! He moved here from Ecuador about a month ago and started talking to some missionaries over Facebook. We were able to get into contact with him and had a couple lessons and invited him to church. It was a pleasant surprise to have him text us during the sacrament hymn that he was outside and he ended up staying for both hours!
-Lastly we had a Bible referral from a guy named Fabian. We went to go meet him and drop off the Bible, except we actually ran out of Bibles. He is dope, not only does he have just the front half of his head shaved, but he is super interested in learning about God even though he has almost zero religious background. We ended up teaching him some super basic principles and gave him a Libro de Mormón but promised to bring la Biblia next time haha.
That was a lot of stuff but it was an eventful week, which we especially love because Elder Johnson now has just over a week left before going home so we are making sure he sprints to the finish!! I can't believe I've almost been in Albuquerque a whole transfer. As sad as it was to leave El Paso and part of my heart is still there, I am loving the ABQ and know the Lord put me here for a reason.
My spiritual thought has to be about opening your mouth! In addition to it being a highlighted topic from Zone Conference, we watched the Love, Share, Invite devotional on Saturday morning and it was so good!!! I loved when it was said that sharing the gospel is something we should do as followers of Christ simply because it is who we are!! It should be natural and normal to talk about the Savior and share His light with others. Also I loved how they said the covenants we make bind us to our Savior. That is truly how we come closer to Him, and they are absolutely essential to returning to His presence. I know the Lord will lead and guide us through the Spirit will as we are willing to act, opening our mouths, in normal and natural ways!! I'll just close with a couple verses I love about opening your mouth.
D&C 33:8-10
8 Open your mouths and they shall be filled, and you shall become even as Nephi of old, who journeyed from Jerusalem in the wilderness.
9 Yea, open your mouths and spare not, and you shall be laden with sheaves upon your backs, for lo, I am with you.
10 Yea, open your mouths and they shall be filled, saying: Repent, repent, and prepare ye the way of the Lord, and make his paths straight; for the kingdom of heaven is at hand;
Thank you all so much for the love and support! So crazy how fast time is going out here. Have a great week and a great, safe 4th of July this weekend!!! Love you all!
Con amor,
Elder Jackson
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