World's Longest Week
May 21, 2021
Hola Hola!!
Yes today really is p day here! Thanks to a mission tour, after what was an 11 day week that actually has been incredible and gone by relatively fast, it is finally p day again!! There has been quite that has happened down here in El Paso so I'll try to just write about the highlights!! Sorry in advance if this is a longer one lol
One of the coolest things without a doubt that has happened recently was Alex went to the temple to do baptisms!! Our bishop is a stud and reserved a time for the youth to go to the temple in Albuquerque as soon as the temple opened, so Alex and all the other 10 or so youth made the 4 hour drive up. It was so cool getting him ready for it, setting up his family search account and finding some family names for him to take. He ending up being baptized for 4 of his ancestors and then as a preist he was able to baptize a handful of the other youth. It was so cool to hear about and we were are so happy for him but man it made me miss the temple!! But I'm so grateful that I was able to have a temple so close back home, it really is truly is the House of the Lord.
Other highlights, we had a noche de hogar, (family home evening) with Los Gutierrez, Los Alva, and Paty, Diana, and the other daughter Sabrina!! Bascially all of my favorite El Paso all together! Paty and Diana shared their testimonies and experiences with their baptisms. They both said they have this hunger to keep learning and progressing, they are truly incredible. And Sabrina, the 18 year old daughter who hasn't been super interested in the past has come too and had a good time! And to top it all off, Hermana Gutierrez is the best cook out here and she made some comida riquísima for us. All around heck of a time!
Other exciting thing, our mission recently moved into Phase 3 which basically just means we can play sports again which is awesome, but even better is that we can knock doors!!! It still isn't like normal tracking, they have to be former investigators or members but hijole it has been so nice!! It feels like we are actually real missionaries haha. And we saw a huge miracle on the very first door we knocked on. We had just picked up dinner from a member's house and just decided to see what formers lived close by so we could excercise our new power. There happened to be one person a street over we said let's try it. After my almost 9 months and Elder Neilson's 10 months as missionaries we gave our first door approach and it was absolutely a miracle because we weren't great but we ended up finding a new family to teach!! We talked to the mom, the grandma, and a few of the kids. They definitely seemed to have some light in them and are pretty interested in our message!! We set up a return appointment for a couple days from now so we are praying the whole Familia Esparsa is legit!!
Continuing on with other fun things, we had a few exchanges so I was able to spend another day as comps with Elder Hannemann!! It is always surreal to be with him out here as missionaries after spending some much time together back home. It was a blast to be with him and my man is a spirtual giant. And the man can cook too!! Elder Hannemann's the goat without a doubt. We had a heck of a day and even finished it off by putting one of their friends on date!!
As I said at the beginning, we had a mission tour this last week so Elder Alliuad of the 70 came and spoke to us. It was an absolute spirtual feast!! Something cool about him too is that he was the mission president in Córdoba not too long ago and I was able to talk to him for a little about it, Aguante Argentina!! He and his wife were so fun and gave such good devotionals, it was a treat. One of my favorite things Elder Alliuad talked about was how we have to be constantly changing through daily reptance. He said our missions are really the MTC of our lives, as this time is preparing us for what is to come. I know this is true as I find so much joy in the simple daily habits of missionary work, as well as the experiences and life lessons that are so abundant. The mission is such an incredible time but I know striving to be like the Savior is a life long pursuit and process.
One other thing I loved that he talked about was about the power of the Book of Mormon. He said that the promise that those who sincerely read and pray about it will recieve a witness of its truthfulness. He said it is sure proof as the law of gravity. We were able to apply this into a couple of our lessons just yesterday with two people we are teaching and it yet again proved to be true, the Spirit in those lessons was undeniable. I know without a doubt the Book of Mormon is true and that it is the key to conversion.
The very last thing is that this weekend we get transfer news and I'm praying to stay in this area for another transfer!!
Sorry this was so long!! Love you all so so much!!
Con amor,
Elder Jackson
1 Visited Hno Gutierrez at work!!
2 Chef Hannemann and Elder Neilson on the best exchange of all time
3 Paty and Diana are too sweet
4 My guy Elder Neilson again
5 Elder Alliuad and I !!!! 🇦🇷
6 World's greatest district for a casual district pday at Top Golf. Had me missing the links big time
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