Pday finally!!
May 21, 2021
Noche de hogar!!!
Homeless dude throwing rocks
Few lessons, normal day
Wanted to punch Saballos for first time
Exchnages w E Hannemann!!
Food bank, lesson w dude at park, Eggs and potatoes for dinner, and put a lady on date! Great day for all, especially Elder Neilson
We can knock doors now!!!!! Of formers and members!!
Food bank pt 2
Got Alex set up w Family Search and got sole names ready for the temple!!
Solid lessons with Alicia and Daniel. Both want more time but are interested, want to keep learning
Fire Distrcit Council! It was a fun time
Leos for lunch!!!!
Lesson with Paty and Diana, they are legit the best!!
Saballos rested all day, just w Neils
Knocked a freaking door!!
No masks!
Alex blessed sacrament. Paty y Diana as well. Fire Ven Sigueme class!!
Great day! Mission tour was awesome!
Exchanges w Jaurez
Lit contact w the familia Esparsa, kinda sent it talking to the kid until the mom showed up haha she was super nice and invited us back
Hard to hear the Mission Tour but still really good!
Best tacos I've ever had w the Calzadas
Noche de Hogar w the Gutierrez and Paty and her daughter Sabrina!
Cool late night lesson w the guy named Tommy
Super great day!! Mission tour was awesome, spirtual feast. Talked to Alliauds a little after as well as President. Awesome people
Leos after w the brethren!
Lessons all kinda rescheduled but still had some good contacts
Consejo de Distrito was really good!! Really power spirit
Muchas lecciones en la noche. Alicia, Modesta, Daniel, Paty y Diana. Buena noche!!
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