Nube Nueve
May 10, 2021
Hola a todos!!
This week was such a special week, I am still on cloud 9 a little after everything. God's miracles and blessings are so real!
On Tuesday we had the baptism of Paty and Diana!! It was better than I could've even imagined!! The Spirit was just on another level. A ton of their family came and of course of all the Gutierrez's. They are honestly some of my favorite people on the planet, which made it even more special.
A little funny story with it though! With Alex's baptism I mentioned the water level being a little low. I also mentioned how Paty has a fear of water haha between those two things I decided I was going to take matters into my own hands to make sure that the font was going to be filled to the brim. I had the brilliant idea to cover up one of the drains on the wall inside the font. However, after some minor flooding of the bathroom and possibly the basement, I reconsidered how good of an idea it was. But, miraculously in the end there was no damage, the water level was sufficient, Paty overcame her fears, and both her and Diana were able to have a wonderful experience!! I will never forget seeing them hugging on the steps of the font, soaking wet, just bawling because of the Spirit they felt. And to make it even better, right after the baptism Paty goes right over to her sister Irma and just starts going off about how incredible she felt and how she has to get baptized as well. So we are praying Irma can follow her sister and nieces example soon! Definitely one of those days you write in your journal about and hope you'll never forget a second of!
Yesterday was a really neat day as well at church. The other elders in our ward also had a baptism this week so all three of our amigas were able to get confirmed in Sacrament meeting yesterday. The Spirit so powerful again during their confirmations and it was such a joyous and neat experience! As well Alex was up with the other priests and helped with the Sacrament for the first time! Andd it just so happened to not only be Mother's Day of course, but also our first week of 2 hour church. I didn't even realize how long it had been since I last had that but I loved being back!
Just a other few highlights I'll mention! We did some service for Maribel, this lady we are teaching, because she lives in a really tough situation. Her house is basically infested with cockroaches and I don't think any floors, cabinets, or anything had been cleaned in a long time, if not ever. So we went over with a bottle of bleach and raid and went to town. It was a really humbling experience and even though it's not perfect it was great to show her love in that way. In addition to that, we did some other service moving sod for an hermano in our ward which was a good time, as well as had some tender mercies and found a couple new people I'm pretty excited about! And lastly, we got Rafas burritos on Cinco de Mayo even though literally no one here even celebrated it hahah.
One more thing to add to the things I absolutely love about it down here is that May 10th is Mother's Day in Mexico, so I have an extra day to celebrate mi mamá!! I really have the greatest mom in the world and can't express my gratitude and love to her enough! If any of you see her this week or any time soon give her a hug for me while I can't!! Haha but really she is the most Christ like person I know. I've thought and studied a lot about charity lately and that is exactly what she exemplifies every single day!! Everything she does is focused on the well being of other people, just as our Savior did every moment of His life. Everyone who knows her or has been around her can testify of her constant, nonstop, tireless, never ending energy, service, and love. Moroni 7:45 describes charity and really a few of the qualities of my mom I strive to have! "And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things." Te amo mamá!!
Y amo a todos ustedes también!! Que tenga una buena semana!!
Elder Jackson
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