April 26, 2021
First off, Happy Anniversary!!!! The big 24 years, best number of all time!!! I am eternally and infinitamente grateful for you two, for the gospel principles you have taught me and raising me in such a loving, safe, and fun home. We have more memories than probably any one. And the more I grow up the more I see how incredibly blessed I am to have been raised in the home and family I have. I love you guys!!!
Ok, fair warning abt this letter this is super long but this week was unlike any other so I wanted to write about it. But I would probably rather just tell you the stories on the phone today if I can. But I know I won't get to everything so hopefully you can read them later if you even have time for that. But if you're going to read anything, just read the end abt the comps this week bc I can't actually say anything out loud about that Haha. But really I love you two so much, you guys are my best friends. That was so special to be able to share that experience on Friday with you. I love you both!!!!!
PATY Y DIANA!!!!!!! Ellas aceptaron una fecha bautismal!!! En verdad era una experiencia como nunca en mi vida. El espíritu estuvo como un fuego en mi corazón y yo sé que estuvo así para ellas también. A ver déjame empezar del principio. Entonces, we started just folow up on their reading. Paty read like 10 chapters!! She is in 2 Nefi and read and highlighted 2N9:23, abt baptism. It was perfect!! And then they also asked another one abt a verse that talks about infierno. Which i remember them asking abt this before, like months ago, bc we said we dont believe in a hell and i really didn't know myself so it was tough to answer. But!! Since then I've been studying myself and i found something that was so good!! In the guía de estudio de las escrituras and it explains it so well. So that was a miracle i found that and was able to share! And then we talked about some other things and got to baptism again and then we mentioned how it's not the end at all, but really that the temple is the goal. Elder Neilson talked about it a little and then Elder Saballos pulled out a pic, he got endowed, and then his parents got sealed, and then they all got sealed the same day. Diana y Paty literally started crying, the spirit was literally so so strong. And then I was able to testify that this is the reason we are missionaries. We want others, and specifically them, to have these eternal blessings. And baptism is the first step, so I invited right then and there and they both said yes!!! I pulled out the calendar on my phone and said ok May 8th and they said wow ok yeah.
The spirit was stronger than probably any time ive ever felt it as a missionary and probably in my life. It was like a fire and we were all just tearing up. I knew these things were true, I felt God's love for me and even more so for them. They like couldn't stop smiling after it was incredible!!!!
After we texted hermana and hermano Gutierrez and dijeron "estoy sin palabras" y "quiero llorar" y guau en versad fue increíble. I love them so much too it is just amazing
And then we got home right at 9 and we hop on the mission wide call and I missed a text from the APs like 20 minutes earlier when we were in the lesson but they asked me to share my testimony. So literally I had 20 seconds to prepare something and it actually turned out good i think, I felt the spirit really strong.
It was really just an incredible night. We were all speechless and so happy and really I am just so grateful that Heavenly Father would allow me to be a part of that, to be there and feel that spirit and see them feel it. It was an absolute miracle and gift from God. I love being a missionary with all my heart!!!!
Zone Conference!! 1st half at least, over zoom w whole mission. Super super good. Obedience and how it brings power. Being effective with time. As well as striving for conversion. Super good stuff. D&C 64:33-34, super good.
Service w Hno Alva. Just pulled his weeds lol. He was really nice and got us pizza after tho haha
Service w the Roots. They are such a solid family!! Nice kids and good parents who care and teach gospel principles. And the lunch after was unreal. Chiptole mustard, wow. I will be getting that on Monday. Super fun to be with Elder Hannemann as well, love him so much.
Dinner w the Gutierrez!!
More sandwiches with them. They are without a doubt my favorite family, my favorite members here. I love them with all my heart. They are just so loving and generous and funny and kind. I want you all to meet them so bad!!! For real like a Cheesecake Factory with them or something. Like getting them wedding invites haha they are some of my favorites ever.
Solid lessons w Alicia, Alex and Paty y Diana. Alex is all good for tomorrow!!! His mom made us dinner and it was actually incredible. Some of the best real Mexican food I've ever had for sure. Some chicken in this spicy red sauce, homemade flautas w turkey inside, some good rice and beans and some spicy green salsa. Really good.
The Big Juan
So freaking good. I've been wanting to go their for the longest time. In a gas station. Absolutely lived up to the hype. I got a fakita burrito and a fish taco. Both fire. I will be going back soon
Ahh it was so so good!!! I was a little nervous all day long, just bc he did back out once and I just wanted it to all go well, but it all turned out!!! He was completely ready. He really is such a nice guy and has changed a lot since the beginning. He is funny man. He loves the Broncos so much, he was just talking abt them the whole time and also just random marvel movie things and things abt his mom. It was funny, there were other people there but I could tell he was definitely just more comfortable with me and it was super cool. It did take three times to get him all the way down, bc the water was literally at my knees. The font made for mexicans smh. Haha no but really I don't even care. He got baptized and the Spirit was seriously so strong. And the confirmation after was so cool too. Just a really powerful experience. It was so nice to see reap the reward at some level, the work isn't done by anymeans, but to see him make that covenant was awesome and he said he felt realy good, he felt different. But as well just the whole journey, feeling the spirit and God's love for him in the lessons and along the way has been so special. We finished the night off with some Olive Garden with him at his house and he actually said he wants to go on a mission which would be incredible!!! What a great day. And to have all my family on the zoom call, so so neat!!!! That was maybe one of the coolest things of all. And getting to talk to my parents after 9 and rejoice with them. Wow just an amazing day. And praying for more similar soon!!
Most awkward thing. Maribel said come over and we brought Victor and Sherry Ramos, thisbolder couole with us bc they know her pretty well. And sherry said ok ill make dinner and bring it to the lesson lol. So we show up and shes likutting this dudes hair in her one room, cochroach infested house. And so her teenage kids are there too and we are just sitting there awkwardly w Shery and Victor w this huge dinner and Maribel like hardly looks at us. Lol. Suoer awkward but we talked to the kids and shared a little message eventually. But we had to leave at 8 bc we had a lesson w Luis y Carmen.
Oh my goodness they are just the best ever, without a doubt my favorite. I told Luis I want him to play the guitar at my wedding and he and Carmen were like oh my goodness yes yes hahaha they seem pretty adament abt it now. Pretty dang funny. I told them at least 4 years and they said sounds great haha. And Hna Flores was on too and shes the goat too on my heavens. So anyway, we hadn't had a legit lesson w them in 3 weeks and I was starting to get a little worried because I didn't want their spark to "enfriar" as hna Flores put it. But they are still so so incredible wow. We invited them to read 2Nefi31, because we talked about the Gospel of Jesucristo last time. It had been three weeks like I said so I wasn't sure if they read it. But of course they absolutely did and remembered just about every detail. They are just so smart, and the Spirit must be helping them understand. And 2Nefi31 talks a yon about baptism so we talked abt baptism, the covenant and the way we do it and Sacerdocio. And then a ton abt the spirit and Hna Flores had some awesome stories from her life. And then we start talking about temples and enduring to the end and it was just so cool. They love the idea of eternal marriage and we also talked abt how you can do it for loved ones who have passed on. Both have had parents die. It was a super cool experience. But then I was like ok but first it starts w Baptism so do yiu want to be baptized. And Luis is like yes!! He said yeah i feel like I gave faith and I try to repent and I want to make this promise with God. Just the most perfect answer ever. And Carmen said yes too! But then we asked them how about May 10, which is Luis's birthday. And also Dia de los madres en Mexico. And Luis said yes but Carmen said she would like more time to feel she knows the Libro de Mormón better. So we kinda tried to convince her she was good but also tried not to push too much. In the end we invites them to prsy about the 10th. I think it'll probably be a little bit later, but still so incredible!!!! I love them so so much and was losing just a little bit of hope, that they might take some time and I might not be here to see them get baptized so this was really something amazing!!! It also ended up being like a 2 hour phone call, we got done at like 10 haha.
Bendición a Diana
So Diana had to go talk to her Pastor and say she was changing churches and she was super scared. So we offered a blessing on Saturday afternoon. She said she wanted one for sure and would let us know when she was free. And so she texted us at like 7 as we were going to Maribels house. And we were like crap we are busy all night. But when we hung up with Luis and Carmen, we actually sat out in front of a park across from their house on the phone call w Luis and Carmen. So when we got done at 10 we texted her and she was like yes come rm I'm awake. So we ran in and gave her a blessing and it was so powerful. But it was just crazy because we walked in at like 10:25, I've never been out that late but it was a good cause.
Alex at church!
Got interviewed for the preisthood!! And I dont actually know if Obispo just gave it to him bc we didnt really get to talk to him after lol but he's doing great. Said he was feeling really good. He's excited for the NFL draft on Thursday as well as some new Capn America movie.
Diana talked to Pastores!!
Holyyyyyy this was stressful but it all turned out and I am beyond happy!!! We texted Diana today and she saidbshe went and talked to her pastores. She said they told her a bunch of stuff and weren't happy but she said she felt she didn't break their hearts and was nice and it was super telling of their reactions and in the end she had peace in her heart. And I guess they told her abt polygamy and I was a little worried. But then Hno Gutierrez said she went over to their house and they talked and he texted us and said basically said "she's ready" haha I guess they want to be baptized as soon as possible now!!! So exciting!!!! Super happy news!!!!
Such an awesome recent convert family of a little more than a year. We had an awesome visit with them and part way through something hit me. I guess i have been putting member things on the back burner, trying to help investigators progress. But i realized theses people, not only really sre incredible which i already knew, but they were and are some other missionaries Paty y Diana o Luis y Carmen o Alex. They are so loved and now those missioanries are gone and it is our responsibility, as well a huge responsibility of the ward, to help them still and right now get them to the temple. I had the idea for a temple calander, instead of a baptismal calendar. They have so much light they just need some love and direction.
ZL call ins
The little new ZL who came in w me was on the phone and he's nice and I knew him a little but lefit in a week he has a little different vibe and he legit has the same time as me and wasn't even a DL so it was just kinda weird and he legit right off the bat is like alright I'm just going to keep this short and only asked for ppls names and if they have a baptismal calendar. Super disgenuine, if tht is a word. Rubbed me the wrong way for sure but not trying to let it. But opened my eyes again to being loving and genuine. And true divine love, interest and happiness in others. More happy for other people than themselves.
ALMA 29:14 But I do not joy in my own success alone, but my joy is more full because of the success of my brethren, who have been up to the land of Nephi.
True Christlikeness is loving others more than yourself, being happy for others more than yourself, putting others before yourself. Something that hit me the other day and I have been thinking abt it a lot. Work in progress for sure
The Spirit is the key!!!! Elder Holland gave an incredible talk about this in a devotional for missionaries. Absolutely essential, all the time. Spirit is the teacher, I strive to have his fe with me so I can know what to say so He can teach people, touch their hearts. And when we feel the spirit together it is incredible. Feel that divine love for the people. And always the invitation is for them to take our words and have their own experiences, feel that spirit from God for themselves.
Jacob 4:13
for the Spirit speaketh the truth and lieth not. Wherefore, it speaketh of things as they really are, and of things as they really will be; wherefore, these things are manifested unto us plainly, for the salvation of our souls
Compañeros esta semana
Little comp inventory on Thursday, good fun. Trying to make sure the other two can get along with one another so we can continue to see miracles in the work!!! And then a english fast all day on Thursday after that. Puro español casi todo el día!!
Neils. Still love the man so much but sometimes he tests my patience in other ways. Is getting better slowly w Spanish. Doesnt understand still. Didnt enjoy the English fast, and didnt even try which was kind of annoying because he needs it but it is his choice. Hard to feel as bad if he doesn't progress with it as fast tho. Although he still is getting better. And I really need to be more loving and understanding and patient with him agh. But there are just things he doesn't understand which are big things. He didn't understand why we were giving Diana a blessing, that she had to go talk to her pastor. Somehow that was something we had been talking about for 2 days, and even fasting for, but he didn't understand it.
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