Best Week Yet
April 26, 2021
Hola hola!!!! Guau. This week was seriously increíble!!!
I have to say, most weeks as a missionary don't happen like this, there are a lot of harder weeks. Of course there is always still good in those weeks but tougher weeks for sure. But, wow, this week has to be the best of my mission so far!!
We might as well just start off with the biggest highlight, Alex's baptism on Friday!!! I'm not going to lie, I was a little nervous and stressed leading up to it. Not because he wasn't ready, but just because I wanted everything to work out and go smoothly. Thankfully, it really was amazing!! We were just a little behind schedule and the water level was a tad bit low (maybe at my knees) but we got it done! And the Spirit there was something so special. Alex is such a great kid!! More than anything I'm really just so grateful for the opportunity to see his progression, and can't wait to see what else he will do. Such a great day!!!
Another absolute miracle, or miracles, this week was we had had an incredible lesson with Paty and Diana on Monday. We were talking about eternal families and about temples, and the Spirit was just burning, probably one of the strongest I've ever felt in my life and I knew they could feel it too. It was undeniable. We were able to extend the invite and they are on date to be baptized the 8th of May!! To say we were, and are, excited was an understatement haha. We were a little worried about Diana though for a second, because she went to tell her old pastor she wasn't going to their church anymore. It was really tough for her and they told her a bunch of stuff but her faith is inquebrantable. She said she feels peace with her decision and knows this is the right thing to do. And her mom Paty is so solid as well, just pray she can overcome her fear of water!! Haha but really they are so awesome and yesterday they said they want to be baptized as soon as possible, so it might be a week from today!!
The crazy thing is it doesn't stop there!! On Saturday night we had another lesson with the beloved Luis y Carmen!! They are probably the most elect people I've ever had the opportunity to teach. Just the way they understand what they read and what we teach is insane. So this week we were talking about temples and eternal marriage and yet again the Spirit was on another level. We invited them to be baptized as well and they said yes!! We were hoping for May 10th, which is Luis's birthday, and he was all for it, but Carmen said she might want just a little bit more time. Understandably, they are going to do this together so said they would pray about the 10th. So please pray for them as well!! Haha but I am so excited for them too.
It has been a lot of work with these friends the past over 6 months I've been here in this area, and I have without a doubt felt God's divine love for these people and seeing Him work miracles in their lives is something unlike anything else. My heart is just so full of gratitude for this sacred time as a missionary and for the miracles God is pouring out.
As far as other great things I'll quickly mention that added to the best week yet were service for the Root family, a first time full day english fast in the apartment, and the fact that somehow we got fed for every single lunch and dinner this week haha.
To finish off I'll just leave you all with a spiritual thought! I was reading in one of my all time favorite chapters in Alma 29, and of course loved verse 9, the verse I chose for my mission plaque. But this time verse 14 stuck out to me different than it ever has before. Alma is recounting his time preaching the gospel and the immense joy that came from it. He says, "I do not joy in my own success alone, but my joy is more full because of the success of my brethren." I love this becuase this is true charity!! True Christ-like love. He had joy in his own success, but even more for that of his brothers. Just as the Savior always was, Alma was turned outward and focused on others. This has been on my mind all week and would love to invite you all to find joy in others as well!
I love you all so much and want to say thank you for the prayers and support!! Que tengan una buenísima semana!!
Mucho amor,
Elder Jackson
1-2 Alex's baptism !!
3-4 Good grub
5 El Paso in a jersey
6 Pday walk to the border crossing
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