Rafa's Burritos and Another Great Week

March 29, 2021

Hola a todos!! 

Alrighty, I feel like I'm saying the same thing every week and for that I apologize, but looking back I really think it is the same stuff happening haha. Lessons, contacting, service, studies, meetings, all on repeat! But it's a great groove to be in and the the time is really flying by. So with that, I can yet again report it was a fantastic and busy week here in El Paso and I'm loving every single day!! There is so much joy in this work

I'll try and talk about a few of the great things that happened that were a little different hopefully! 

After a solid Zone council on Friday the elders in my district and I hit the hands bown best burrito place in El Paso, Rafa's Burritos!! A member bought them for us a little while ago and they were so good we had to go back, and wow it did not disappoint. The burritos are massive, legitimately probably 20 inches of Mexican goodness, and you already know we ate the whole thing. Haha it was definitely a highlight of the week. Elder Hannemann and I had to snap a pic to document the event, I'll make sure to put those below. It was a great time with the brethern. 

As good as Rafa's was though, nothing tops the lesson we had with Luis and Carmen!!! They are seriously incredible. So humble, kind, receptive, and intelligent, it is such a privilege to teach them. They are without a doubt some of those elect people the Lord mentions in D&C 29:7 as we read about in Ven Sígueme this week. We taught them the third lesson, the gospel of Jesus Christ and I was again amazed by how well they understand. It went so well and we even got to explain temples and eternal marriage at the end which was super powerful, they just loved it. We are still praying earnestly that they can be able to come to church, that is really the only thing holding them back. But they are super excited for Conference this week and we're hoping to watch a session with them on Saturday before they work on Sunday! 

As far as our other most progressing friends Alex went to the youth activity on Saturday which was a huge success!! They drove a few hours to some caves up in New Mexico and now he, the bishops son, and another recent convert his same age are all good buddies! It's a miracle and we're super excited!! We also had an awesome lesson last night with the sisters Irma and Paty, and Paty's daughter decided go join us too which was cool. I know they felt the spirit and they understand what they need to do I'm just praying they can excercise the faith they need to take thr next steps! But they are all doing really well honestly and are super excited for General Conference which I know will be a huge thing for them! The perfect time to get some answers!! 

I really cannot wait for Easter and General Conference this coming weekend! I know it will be a revelatory experience for us all as we prayerfully prepare and come with questions as well as an open heart. What a blessing to be able to hear the words of the Lord through His living prophet and other leaders!!  I just want to leave you with this scripture from Mosiah about how the people were invited to prepare to recieve the words of King Benjamín as well as a fire quote from Elder Utchdorf. Mosiah 2:9 says "...hearken unto me, and open your ears that ye may hear, and your hearts that ye may understand, and your minds that the mysteries of God may be unfolded to your view." And Elder Utchdorf "There are messages in each general conference given as a gift and blessing from heaven specifically for our personal life situations." I hope you all can have an incredible Conference and Easter!! I know our Savior lives and I'm so excited to hear His voice this weekend!!

Love you all so much!! 

Todo el amor,
Elder Jackson 

1-2 Rafa's Burritos w the brethren 
3 Buenos días 😍
4 Biggest zone on the planet 


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