La Vida Misional

 February 1, 2021

Hola hola!!!!

We had another great week here!! So many miracles with the work it was crazy. Still some ups and downs for sure but really the Lord has been so merciful. 

We had a handful of people who we got back into contact with after about a month and are going to start teaching them more consistently now we aren't in quarantine. Two of them have families too so I'm super excited about that! As well I was able to add Panamá, Honduras, and the promised land of Argentina to the list of countries of the people we've been able to have lessons with!! WhatsApp and Facebook are absolutely some of the Lord's tools! Some more good international news is an elder in my apartment who was my mission in Argentina before covid found out he's going back to Córdoba on February 18th!! I still need to get my visa until I can get down there too so it might be some time still but it's a really good sign!

Highlight of the week was without a doubt was on Saturday night and Sunday. We got a call at 9:15 from some hermanas on the other side of El Paso. They said they found a guy in our area and he wanted to go to church! Well our ward mission leader is the absolute goat and picked him up (and 3 other people in the ward lol) for church and this man is so awesome!! His name is Ezequiel and he is the best!! He loved the sacrament and said he felt "bien contento" all day long haha he told us he he went to work at this meat shop he works at and was telling his coworkers about how good he felt and how much he liked church. And we were able to have an awesome lesson with him last night. Prayers for Ezequiel!! 

On the other hand, our beloved Calderon family has had better weeks. The family has a few questions we are working through but the daughter is awesome and we were planning on her getting baptized this next week. But she let us know today that she doesn't want to be baptized right now anymore. So we will continue to work with them but that is a bummer. But minor setback for major comeback! Thats the hope at least haha. 

In other things we worked at the food bank for a few hours on Saturday afternoon and I got sunburned!! Pretty sure that's the first time I've ever been burned on January 30th, not sure if that means I'm just that pale of if the El Paso sun is that strong. I'm just going to go with the second one 

Spiritual thought comes from my studies recently focussing on the attributes of the Savior. Humility has been sticking out to me a lot, just the fact that we are nothing on our own and how we have to completely depend on God. He truly is the source of all the good in our lives. Kind of a humbling experience with the Calderons recently but we still have been so blessed and I have faith it'll all work out. There have been so many other miracles this week I'm so grateful for! Just gonna drop one of my favorite verses ever by Ammon to close.
 Alma 26:12 "Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever."

Love you all so much!! 

Todo el amor,
Elder Jackson

1 Good morning from El Paso High School 
2 Rainy workout w Elder Hannemann. Thats right it actually rained!!
3 Best Mexican restaurant in town hands down
4 Our ward mission leader randomly sent us this so I'll randomly drop it on here too I guess


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