La semanaaa
February 15, 2021
Monday ay
Elizabeth González y Soledad!!!
This was a legit straight up miracle. We got a call from a random number last sunday in the middle of personal study and it said New Jersey. So i was like no one speaks spanish in New Jersey so I said Hello this is the missionaries. A soanish voice says bueno? Los elderes?? Jaja so i was like oh si si somos ños elderes. Turns out it was an hermana in el centro de visitantes en la Cuidad de México y she recieved a referencia from a less active member in our area who wanted to come back. So i was like dope thanks ill call her. Call the member and she's way cool! We planned to meet the next day. We got and turns out she lives with another lady whos not a member, Soledad!!! We were able to give them both LdM. And read part of 3 Nefi 11. It was super powerful and such a miracle!! I can't even think of a better situation for an investigator than that of Soldedad!! Fingers crossed!!
4th floor last door!!! Came home from that lesson w Soldedad and we didn't havevmuch else so we just called people for like an hour straight. Legit no one answered until it was 8:59 and I said ok gotta finish it out and so I called this guy Erenesto randomly and sure enough he answered and sounded interested and we set a lesson for tomorrow!!
Club goin up on a Tuesday
Zone Conference
So good!!!! Soooo nice to meet in person. Before we went to Chilis as well and we actually ate inside which I was too thrilled about bc its against the covid stuff rn. But the senior comps wanted to so idk it waa hard to say no. But Zome Conference was fire! Again they gave us the goal of 1 baptism per companionship per month. A pretty big goal but I know it comes from the Lord so I think its actually way cool to know He knows it's posible. Not easy, but possible. President also said we need yo start praying for families to teach so we can hit that number. The APs gave a training about the importance of answering media referrals quickly. The DLs gave a training on Bap invites which was way good and set the goal to talk about baptism in every lesson. We've seen some legit miracles as we've done that this week and we invited 4 people to be baptized! All need a lil more time but so good. And the ZLs and STLs gave talks about different Christ like attributes it was really good. The best was President Weathersby at the end tho of course. He used 3 scriptures, 2 Nefi 31, Alma 26:11-13, Alma 32:9. Went through and talked about principles in these scriptures and how they relate to the goal we have and it was just really cool. He is a spirit giant.
Young Mens!!
Obispo called us on the way home from ZC and asked us to come and teach YM that night. It was a really cool opportunity!! Idk why I was expecting a lot of youth but it was just obispo, his son, and Eddie this recent convert whos 18. It was still way cool tho bc I literally felt like i was just barely sitting in there seats. But i was able to read the mission call and it was so powerful. I love my mission so much and really can say I've felt more joy and happiness here than ever before. It's not easy at all, but the joy and blessings and innumerable
Implosion of the Tercer Barrio
So during the YM thing the other elders get a call from the APs. They stepped out and took it and came back like 10 minutes later. They said Elder Pratt was leaving to go up to ABQ the next morning. So crazy bc he was here for like 10 months and then he had 13 hours notice before he was leaving.
I got two phones
We got two areas so now we have two sim cards!! Soooo nice!! Double as efficient!! Haha and best part is that everyone who blocked or wouldn't answer our number, we now call them on the other number and it's actually dumb how often it works hahsha
Goodbyes, big sad
It was way sad actuallt saying goodbye to Elder Pratt. Hes a cool dude. Sometimes a littlw lazy or maybe just casual. But he is from the gran MAC, drank mate (which he actually gave me but i dont have a cup or bombilla), liked sports, didn't eat much of dinner so more for the rest of us, always asked hypothetical questions which were actually pretty funny sometimes and good entertainment. Now its just different haha the new Elder is this mexican dude from mexico. Hes a lil interesting. I try to be nice and talk to him but he gives me like one word answers idk what his deal is haha its just a lil different around the apartment but Elder Woods and I are actually probably closer because of it. I actually am loving Elder Woods. I am seeing im actually way lucky and we've been grinding so its been dope!!
Soledad soft invite !
We were going to teach the Restoration but we started talking and it was just kinda going towards the gospel of Jesus Christ which is the third lesson but we just followed the spirit and sent it. We ended up talking a ton about baptism and we asked if thats something if she wants and she said yes but wants to read the LdM more which totalled makes sense bc it was like the second time we talked to her haha. But so awesome still!!
Dinner y Coordinación
Hno Gutierrez told us to come pick up dinner Wednesday night and he really just had us all sit down outside as Hna made us burgers and they were actually pretty dang good!!! Hno Alva was there too and it was lit. We had coordination after dinner too so we just all hopped on the zoom, it worked out great and was awesome. Also we decided we are going to split the ward east and west instead of north and south bc the other elders rn are way less busy so hno alva thought it would be more fair. But I think it'll be good!
Jose lesson in the dark
We went and taught the neighbor of Ezequiel, the guy we knocked on his door haha basically found him tracting. We just stood on his porch and taught him the restoration and it was powerful!! It always is but I really felt like he understood the preisthood, how we have it in our church, how we use it to baptize, and how Joseph Smith restored it. It was way cool. We invited him to pray about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith so could be really good there!
Service w Jenny
Service w this awesome investigator the hnas were teaching who now we were going to teach but the other elders are going i guess now bc shell be in their area. Shes seriously so cool. Shes been praying for a date for a little now, they were hoping the 20th of Feb but it'll be later now. It was hotttt during service tho
Horder Housr
Irma soft invite !
2 hr family history
Daniel y Alex !
Arroz con leche
Anna fam history. 88?!
Stake Conference
Good lecciones
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