Elder Hannemann and I take over El Paso
February 22, 2021
Hola Hola Holaaaaa !!
This week was by far the busiest week yet of my mission and it was a blast!! So many cool things happening down here in El Paso!!
The highlight of the week and without a doubt the funnest day of my mission so far was Thursday when we had exchanges and Elder Hannemann and I were comps for a day!! After all the time we've spent together, basketball trips and hours playing and practicing together nearly every day for years, it was so nuts to be companions on the mission. And a fun twist on all of it was he came to my Spanish speaking area which made the lessons pretty funny but I know the spirit isn't restricted by language and we still had some incredible lessons!! One was with a lady I mentioned last week, Soledad, and she is doing awesome! She said she prayed and knows the Book of Mormon is true and so we invited her to baptism right there but she said still wants some time. But we had fellowship there as well and she gave the most powerful testimony of God's love for her and the blessings of the church, so hopefully she'll feel ready to set a date this next week! Also that night we also taught an english class for like 10 people and neither one of us had ever done that before so it was an adventure but it ended up being super fun!! They all want us to do it twice a week now haha. It was a heck of a day with Elder Hannemann!!
We also had some super good lessons with this new guy we started teaching named Mario. He is a little older and not in great health but he is really interested and hit it off with the Hermano we had on the call for fellowship! As well we had a great lesson with Irma and might start teaching her son soon too! Andd we finally had another lesson with the Calderon's and it was just awesome to be back with them. Still praying the dad can have a change of heart so they can get baptized but just trusting in the Lord with it!
The last people I'm super excited about is Luis, formerly known as Leon haha, and his wife Carmen! I'm sure none of you remember but we got a Book of Mormon referral back in the beginning of December and he sounded way solid. But then he didn't answer which is normally what happens haha. Until this week!! I felt like we should call him on Friday night while we were doing some contacting and he answered! He said he has been busy but also wanted to read on his own before we talked. We were able to have a super powerful lesson on the Restoration. And then he told us at the end he said he wanted his wife to hear too so we called him back the next night and were able to have another great lesson. Praying they can continue to progress!
Well that was our week and it was almost too good to be true!! Almost! But then we got a call earlier today from the mom of our friend Alex who is on date for this Sunday and she said he's not going to be baptized, which is a huge bummer. We aren't really sure why but hopefully we'll be able to figure it out more this week. The ups and downs of the mission! Still, we have been immensely blessed with the work and I love the people here so much. I am praying I can stay in this area again, we'll get transfer news this weekend which is crazy because the last 6 weeks have flown by.
My spiritual thought is from 1 Nefi 4:6 as I started over the Book of Mormon this week and love this scripture so much. Nephi says as he is going to the house of Laban, "I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do." I love this little verse because without even realizing it, the Spirit was guiding him. I know the Spirit is absolutely essential to missionary work and I often wish I could be guided clearly all the time. But I know most times we have to act in faith and trust that the Spirit is leading us as we are striving to do what's right and keep the commandments, just as Nephi was.
Sorry for the long email, but lots of stuff to write about! Love you all so much!! Until next week!
Todo el amor,
Elder Jackson
1-2 The boys are back
3 New whip
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