Busiest Week Yet
February 22, 2021
Such a good week!! Hands down busiest of my mission. And we had some crazy stats to show for it
1 on date
5 News
4 @ sac
33 Investigator lessons
8 Member present lessons !!!!
We are seeing some huge miracles. I am so grateful, I know there's probably not another area in the country like this, or maybe world rn wow.
3 lessons
Solid night!! Talked to Alex for a while as well as a couple other lessons after.
10 lessons what?!
Idek how but we had so many lessons planned and most worked out!! Super good day.
Service and 8 lessons. Good day, busy day, can't remember whole lot at the moment.
Exchanges w Hunter!!!
Hahaha one of the funnest days of my mission probably. It was just so crazy to be with Hunter. After all the time with everything else, all the travels and memories, being comps for a day in El Paso TX was pretty crazy. Especially when you add the fact he couldnt understand a word in the lessons or at dinner haha. But it was super fun to translate and he still bore his testimony, the spirit isn't limited by language!
New Whip
Branddddd new Chevy Equonox and I got to drive it first haha and it was my first time driving in almost 6 months. It felt weird but normal to drive again. It was strange haha. But the new car has a little bit more zip than the sequoia does. And so in the first 2 minutes I'm driving and I'm a light at and empty intersection. It goes green and I pressed on the gas too hard and accelerated pretty fast and 5 seconds later in gives me an aggressive hahahaha. Elder Hannemann and I were dying. Not a single check your speed all day but an aggressive in the first 2 minutes. Good stuff
Hna Flores was fire!!!! So first I'm just teaching by myself bc Elder Hannemann can't speak a lick of Spanish and they can't speak a lick of English. So I follow up w Soledad if she was able to read Moroni 10:3-5 and pray. She says yes and is like I know it's true. Let's go!! Haha so then i was like ok so then everything else is true and she's like yeah. So I just send it and invite her to baptism and she's like "mas adelante", like in the future pretty much, and I was like we can just set a date, a goal. And she just kept saying mas adelante jajaja and then Hna Flores comes in and saves the day and gives such a powerful testimony of the blessings of being a member, sharing the story of her dad who was a convert. And how she could feel the love of God for her and she wants her to have these blessings. And how we don't get anything from her joining the church we just want her to have the blessings and all this other stuff it was so good. Soledad absolutely felt the spirit and said she'd read Mosiah 18:8-10 so hopefully we can get her on date this next week!!! Huge shout out to Hna Flores
Fire Dinner
Dinner w my favorite Hna Carrillo. She is awesome. She was talking about Harry Potter the whole time and how much she loves it and it was just hilarious. I didn't know mexican ladies were into HP but shes a fanática. And Elder Hannemann didnt understand a word again lol. And she made burgers and fries that were so dang good
Inglés class
This was so fun!!! I had no idea what to do going into it but it turned out great!! Tender mercy number bazillion. Ended up teaching the alphabet and then I was like uhhhhhh practice w a partner. Crazy thing is like the alphabet was as basic as they needed to start. And then they were like uh last time they taught us how to pray can we do that? And I didnt think we could teach spiritual stuff so I was like heck yeah let's do it haha so then I just taught them how to pray in inglés. It was so cool!!!! We had like 10 people and they want to do it twice a week now haha
Leon I mean Luis!! So we got this LdM referral back at the beginning of December. We talked to him and he sounded way cool. But then after we dropped off the LdM, he wasnt the lesson we set up the next day and we didnt hear from him at all for like months. But then we had some time to contact between lessons and idk why i just thought why not give him a call. Well he answered and we were able to teach him the restoration!! He said hes been really busy with work and he also wanted to read a little and do his own research before he talked to us, and i dont think he knew we could just call bc i don't think hes super comfortable w in person rn. But he said hes believed in Christ his whole life but has been searching for truth. He really liked the LdM and the story of José Smith. And at the end he said he was a wife and kids, i think the kids are grown tho, and we can call and talk to them tomorrow night!!!! Huge miracle!!! Luis is special
Guadalupe, another miracle
We just called this lady randomly and she answered and we were able to finish the night on a 30 minute restoration lesson. She said she really wants to get closer to God so she could be really cool!! Cool miralce to have the lesson after the Calderons canceled yet again
Got sunburned on my face again lol this time just the other side. Really hope I don't get a long term tan line smh
Seriosuly should be a national holiday!!! It was so fun to be able to call and be able to celebrate a little with the whole clan. Even Matt got on so you know it was big!! Mom didn't get my card in the mail yet which was like dang but it's all good.
10 more lessons planned!
Wow one of busiest days of my mission for real. Service from 9-12, lunch and talking to mom which was THE BEST anddd I got to say hi to the Nances and actually watch Trey run!!!! Tender mercies all over the place. And then after lunch we had an hour of personal study and then legit straight lessons. We ended up having 7 investigator lessons and 1 member. The other two rescheduled tho so that was good. The lessons were fire too!! Best ones were getting Alex ready for his baptism next week, had a super solid lesson with Gustavo about the Evangelio de Jesucristo, we're going to try and set a date maybe next time. And then Luis Perez, formerly known as Leon Zarco, and his wife Carmen!! This was such a cool lesson oh mh goodness. They are so elect. Luis remembered everything from the night before about the Restoration and then we were able to explain it to his wife, Carmen. They were both asking the perfect questions and said they have been looking for truth for their whole lives. They also said they felt the spirit super strong. I am beyond excited to say the least. Only bad thing is they can't talk again until next Saturday but I'm so excited about them
Church was great!! Thought i was going to have to speak for two seconds but then they wanted the other Elder to do it bc hes newer in the ward jaja. Alex came which was good! Showed him the font and stuff. Next Sunday at 6!! Then we had some way good lessons w members so we technically had 4 at sac! Super good lesson with this new guy Mario. We had Hno Zuniga on the call and they clicked it was awesome. Mario seems pretty elegido too. He went to church like 10 years ago at Sumac and talked to some missionaries and remembers it pretty well. Said he wants to get baptized in the future. Realy excited to read the LdM. After we called Hno Zuniga and he was like is he a member? And we said not yet haha and he goes let's get him in the water Elders. Hahaha thats the goal!! And then had a really good lesson with Irma too!! Just went over the Gospel of Jesucristo and talked about bautismo. She is really open and will pray but has some hard things in her life so she hasn't been able to read she said. We are hoping to set a date soon. She also said she has a 14yr old son. What?!. And she wants us to teach him and get him baptized haha her words. Then lastly we made it over the Calderons finally!!! Jimmy was good but before on the gm we have we were like hey are we good to come over and he said yeah as long as you don't talk about baptism. We were like what the heck. But we weren't going to anyways. We just talked about Christ's Atonement, went pretty in depth and read some good scriptures about in in Luke 22 y Alma 7. Hopefully Jimmy can have a change of heart bc I know Ilene wants to grt baptized still.
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