Ángeles en la Obra
February 8, 2021
Hola a todos!!
This week flew by for real can't believe it's Monday already!! Some quick highlights from the week were I ate burrito the size of a loaf of bread, got a nice mask burn line after some service at the food bank, saw a glimpse of the Super Bowl commentated in Spanish, and taught a ton of lessons!! Really exciting stuff happening here on the border.
We had another awesome lesson with our ward mission leader's sister in laws, Irma and Pati!! They have such a desire to learn but know very little about religion. It makes it so fun becuase they ask some really good questions and listen intently. We taught the Plan of Salvation and they loved it. They both said they felt "bien contenta" and it was incredible to be able to testify they were feeling the Spirit. Hopefully we can keep them progressing!!
We had a couple cool miracles when we went to go teach our new guy Ezequiel! On Tuesday we knocked on the door of what we thought was his house but it turned out it was actually the wrong one. But this man named José answered and we actually we able to teach him!! So I knocked my first door on the mission and made a new out of it. I actually felt like a normal missionary for a sec!! The other little miracle was when we went back to Ezequiel's on Friday night, this time to the right house. We were knocking on the door for a while but we finally decided we should leave and he pulled up as we were walking away!! It was a cool tender mercy and we were able to give him a large print Libro de Mormón because he lost his glasses haha. He's the best though super excited about him!!
As well we were able to have a solid lesson with the Calderon's! Still trying to figure some things out but I love them so much we are definitely not giving up on them!!
We are continuing to utilize Facebook and this week it was my turn to have a post pop off! I had a post that got 2.5K likes and 1.6K comments so I'm basically famous. Haha jk but it has been cool to message some more people from all over!
My spiritual thought is one of my favorite scpritures from the Doctrine and Covenants. D&C 84:88 says, "And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up." We were able to do some service for an older lady who isn't a member and after we mentioned family history and she is super interested!! We are going to go back this week and help he get started! I love this scripture and know our loved ones are constantly around us helping us through mortality. God sends angels on both sides of the veil to bear us up. I have seen Heavenly Father place countless people, angelitos, in our path the last little bit and it is incredible!! I hope you can all be and see the angels in our lives! Love you all!!
Mucho amor,
Elder Jackson
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