Yo Yo!!

January 4, 2021

Hola Mis padres!! So grateful I got to talk to you guys a lot, again, this week! Love you all so much!!!! Can't wait to chat more!!

Wednesday Devo
A guy uo in Abq talked to us. It was way good, he seemed like a super cool guy. Especially since he had braces so you know he had some swag. But fr he shared some really awesome stories and principles.
Just do it! President Kimball first. Just go do it. Be obedient, act, roll up your sleeves and go to work. 
Coordinator of Baptistry in Temple. Felt prompting to talk to this girl, appeared uncomfortable. Said he was glad she came, but not as glad as family members whose work shed do. Had been 7 times, never bap. Fear of water. His fear of heights. Testfied that her family understood her fear. Not going under water, being baptized by immersion. Now looks for those people, those opportunities. Doesn't shrug off promptings. She did 48 names, lul in action. Chap 4 PMG, entitled to HG, pray for guidance and be worthy. Invite people to act, grow faith, repent. We have to take the first step. 
Worked on the Porto Prince Haiti temple. Decorative paint and gold leafing. There for a month. Earthquake devestated the country, still so humble. Gave taxi driver, so many similarities, gave all his clothes. Girl walked to school over trash and dead animals. Man said, the beauty is in their faces, not the path they were on. Beaming faces. There is the beauty in Haiti. This man's goal was to help all the people in Haiti, help them educate. He drove people to the temple. Elder Christofferson referenced this man. He was killed in an accident. Help people have the tools their need to find joy in the path. Don't thrive off other people's experiences, have your own. 
Follow impressions, take that first step. Just do it. 

Lecciones de 2020
Time, so valuable
Roll w the punches 
Trust in God, Trust in His Plan 
Family over EVERYTHING 
Prophets are inspired 
Don't take things for granted 
Hear Him!!!! Importance of the Spirit and He communicates with me
Christianity is comforting, but not comfortable 
Align my will with His
Gratitude softens hearts 
Grateful for technology 
Obedience because we love God
Sports are so much fun, i have so many incredible, memories, lessons and relationships.but sports aren't everything 
El Libro de Mormón es so powerful
Can't just grit through hard times and wait for them to pass, but make the most of them, adjust, and continue on
Attitude is Everything!!! Attitude determines Altitude
Golfing is the best 
I am so incredibly blessed
Family. Family. Family. 
Facetime, Zoom, Good hangouts are sick!! The spirit is still there. They connect us!!
Español es el idioma de Dios realmente 
Try new things, D got me out of my shell a lil hah
Follow promptings, even if you aren't sure if it is a prompting. Ecercises faith. Spirit constantly with us, thoughts, feelings, constantemente 
I love being with people. In real life

Metas para 2021
Be a better compañero 
Have mas caridad, charity
Bautizar una familia
Recognize el espíritu
Memorize a scripture a week at least 
Memorize a hymn a week in español 
Perfeccionar mi español 
180 lbs of pure muscle
Argentina 🇦🇷 

Alma 16 alma and Amulek go back to Zarahemla. Amulek left everything in Ammoniah!! All of his precious things. Later the people and the whole city is destroyed. 
Alma 17 wow. I love this chapter so much and really everything about the Sons of Mosiah. I went through and wrote down all the years of when the angel came to Alma and sons of Mosiah, when they left on their missions, Alma took the judgement seat, and finally when they were reunited. Crazy the Sons of Mosiah were gone for 14 years!!!!! I love in verse 2 it talks about them being Brethern in the Lord. I love that line, brethern in the lord. But I love even more the things they did to be men of the Lord. In verses 2 and 3bit continues by saying they searched the scriptures, and in spanish it usesthe word escudriñar, which means to scan basically but i just love it because it shows how they intently studied the scriptures. Thats not all though, it says they dedicated to much fasting and pray, so that they might have the Spirit to be with them. Really I desire to have the Spirit with me so much, it's like the number one thing I think about or at least want. So i always love when it talks about the spirit. Really its so poweful and the key to everything in missionary work. As well as all of life I think. Later in the chapter it talks againnn in verse 9 that they fasted and prayed many days so that the Lord might give them a portion of His Spirit to accompany them, so that, another favorite part/goal/desire they might be instruments in the hands of the Lord to bring their brethern to the knowledge of the truth. I can't think of a better scripture than that wow. Sums up exactly what i strive to do as a missionary. Then it goes into the story of Ammon. Theres a lot more i could break down, more details I love, but ill try to stick to a couple. First, Ammons alone. No companion, just him. Second, he is completely faithful in his service, thats all he wants to do. Third, as dad said a lot, he see an opportunity to show to power of the Lord in a time where everyone else thinks they are going to die. Literally what was the worst thing imaginable for the other servants, he turns into a blessing, a way to eventually share the gospel. "Sed de buen animo" he tells the other guys!! Something like be of good cheer!! Of course we know he goes and cuts off the arms and eventually is able to share the gospel to king Lamoni and later the whole country. I love the way he teaches, the way he builds off common ground and all those things. But before that he still goes to feed the horses, still is exactly obedient to Lamoni. And again there are a lot of other lessons and principles but this is already a novel so that'll have to suffice 
Alma 23-25 anti nefi lehi. Just absolutely converted to the lord. I love in 23:6 it says that those who were converted "never did fall away." It is like what Dad said in his email. You cannot be casual, casual leads to casualties as we often say in the family, thank you sister craven I believe it was. But it is so true. The anti nefi lehites literally died rather than sin. They were 100% converted to the Lord. They gave everything to him. It was a little sad today at church, we had about 30 people there in person and maybe 10 on the zoom watching from home. The divide is absolutely becoming more clear in these times, and we have to be fully converted. It kind of scares me though when dad reminds me its not just me I have to worry about, that would be too easy, but I have to eventually marry someone who is compeltely converted so I can help my future children stay strong too!! I can't be the weak link in what has been such a strong chain. 
Alma 26 one of ny favorite chapters of all time as well. This really is my goal, my desire to be able to say some of the same things at the end of my mission. 

New Years Eve
Servicio para hno alva
Best 2 years 

New Years
Zoom calls
Wasting time

We had a realñy good lesson with them on New Years Day in the night haha. Had to get special permission from President to go (¿?) But it was absolutely worth calling him. We had a realy good discussion about the importance of doing the things we assign them, like reading, praying, going to church. They said they understand the need more for these things and are going to be better. We also talked a lot about the spirit and how to recognize it. Said they had felt it before. Invited them to read Moroni 10:3-5 as well as Alma 32:28 and to pray as a family. They read but didnt come to church so still progress but bummer they didn't come to church. I think the daughter is ready to be baptized and we are just praying and fasting the other members can have some spirtual experiences to gain a testimony as well. Really praying they can come to church next week as well, that'll be huge for them. 9 was a little early this week tho. 

Funny kid. Hes a recent convert, got baptized in like June. Hes like 19. Only member in his family. So we went over to have a lesson with him and his family was all there. His mom kinda left when we got there tho. Idk why she's not interested, she was the one who first talked to the missionaries. But she has 9 kids from like 5 different guys. And all the kids were there and they're all really nice. Have to take care of each other at some level. I started talking to brother who was 17, cool kid, nice but I guess is on probation for drugs rn haha he had an ankle thing so he can't leave more than a block from his house. But he gets off in like a month so I think its perfect. We talked to him about the Libro de Mormon and he seemed pretty interested. And then also they have a little girl who is 8, turning 9 March 13, so I talked to her for a while. Taught her how to pray at the end it was really cute haha. Sadly they are in the other elders area so we can't really teach them but it was still a cool experience 

Mom of three kids, sounds pretty interested, she is really nice!! We called her yesterday and talked for a little, talked about eternal families and she liked it so we set up a lesson over the phone today, really hoping it goes well!! 

Had a really good lesson, in person, on Monday!! It was a miracle how we got in. Her niece and niece's husband were knocking on the door right as we were walking up. She answered for them and then we were like dang she is going to tell us to come back a different day but nope she was actually like come on in! So that was dope. We talked to the husband of the niece for a while, mostly just about his work but right as we were going to try and introduce a lil of the gospel he had to leave. But it was alright bc then we had a really good lesson with Juana about the Plan of Salvation again. I thought the Spirit was strong, it was good! We were going to go back Wednesday but then she had family stuff and was busy as well with family for New years and stuff. But we've had solid contact with her still so I'm hoping this next week we can have a couple more lessons, get her really progressing. 

Ay im not really sure what to do with our guy Alfredo still but we were able to talk to him a couple times this week. He is just difficult because he isn't really willing to do anything to change. We are going to talk to him tonight tho I think so we'll see haha


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