Urgent Regarding your missionary

 January 13, 2021

January 13, 2021 

New Mexico Albuquerque Mission

President N. Edwin Weathersby

Sister Cheryl Weathersby 

Dear Parents, 

This letter comes to assure you know that we are aware of the potential of civil unrest in this country. We are taking every precaution to keep your missionary safe. We would encourage you to help in this aspect by not engaging in political conversations with your missionary. ​Our purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end ​ . It is difficult to remain focused on this purpose and on the Savior if we are engaging in political talk and thoughts of unrest. That being said, we are going to: 

      ● Encourage your missionary to remain in his/her apartment and teach online in all areas that would be deemed potentially dangerous. 

      ● Encourage each companionship to get a week’s supply of food and water, and emergency supplies.

      ● Have on hand flashlights, blankets, and any other essentials as determined necessary to remain comfortable in the event of any kind of power outage.

      ● Have enough cash for 1 week.

      ● Have a plan of where to go in case their apartment should become unavailable (e.g., another missionary apartment, member home, church facility)

      ● Encourage all missionaries to follow law enforcement instructions and exercise caution in public. They will be 
         asked to strictly avoid demonstrations, gathering crowds, or other potential hostile locations.

      ● Not engage in sports or other activities to reduce the risk of physical injury during a period of instability.

      ● Regularly communicate with our young missionary leaders to ensure their zone’s safety and wellbeing. 

We want you to know of our love of every missionary in our mission. They are amazing and we see the blessings that come through their obedience and faith. Thank you for instilling that in them.  

Thank you so much for your prayers, support, and love. We all feel it. 

With love, President and Sister Weathersby


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