Semana Ocupada!!

December 14, 2020

Hola y Feliz Navidad!! Seriously can't believe how fast Christmas is coming!! We had a pretty busy week here, it was awesome!! 

We have been praying to find some really solid people to find, as I think all missionaries do, and wow did the Lord bless give us some miracles!! We got 4 refferals from members which is insane and then a handful of media refferals, eho are people who saw an add on Facebook or request a visit or something like that. The member refferals are always the best way to find and all of those people seem awesome. As well, one of the media refferals was a Book of Mormon request that actually seems super promising. Which is a miracle too because normally with the media refferals you call them and either they don't answer or they are like oh yeah I didn't mean to do that haha. But this guy is different!! His name is Leon, which means Lion, which in itself is pretty sick. We have talked to him a couple times this week and dropped of the Libro de Mormón but he got home late from work the night we were going to teach him. But we have a lesson with him tonight and it's actually in person!!!! It'll be the first in person lesson I've taught in almost 2 months!! 
As well our friend Juana is awesome!!!! We dropped of a Book of Mormon to her earlier in the week and then taught her the restoration last night and she really liked it!! I love teaching this lesson because the spirit is always so strong. She said she felt good about it and said she will pray to known it's true, please pray she can get her witness!! 

Last little tender mercy from the week was on Saturday night. We had some lessons fall through so it was a lot of calling formers and seeing if they were interested and no one was really even answering. But, it was 8:58pm, thought I would make one last contact attempt. Fourth floor last door, right? Well this guy had  answered a week ago, sounded a lil interested but didn't answer the next day. Typical. But I figured I would call him again. He answered and was so cool!! Has girlfriend of 5 yrs (future wedding maybe ?) and 2 kids. He met missionaries when they were talking to his mom one time like a year ago. We gave him a little trailer of God's plan for us and how we can live with our families for eternity and he said that's what he really wants. We're gonna call Tuesday to teach more to him and his gf¡!! Just a huge tender mercy to end the night, that I thought was pretty cool. The Lord loves effort!!

In other things we did service for a couple members painting window grates and raling leaves. And we were back on the food bank on Saturday. Good times!! 

All is well here! It actually rained once this week which was a fun change but it was back up to 60 the next day. It is a little different this Christmas time without the cold and snow but the focus on the Savior is what makes it all the same! 

My spiritual thought is from a lesson we had with a less active member this week when we talked about Charity. We read Moroni 7 together and I just love this chapter so much. At the end is gives some descriptions of charity. In verses 47 and 48 it says "charity is the pure love of Christ...which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ." There isn't a better time of year to focus on, pray for, and develop this pure love of Christ, and be true followers of whose birth we celebrate. He is the reason for the season!! I love you all so much and hope we can all strive to have this love in our hearts and share it with others. 

Have a great week!!

Con todo el amor, 
Elder Jackson

1-3 Christmas lights en el Centro that make me so happy 
4 The Khalid house
5 Have to have the sunset


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