El Paso Living

December 7, 2020


Second transfer down this week which is honesty crazy!! Time is going by too fast. We got transfer news last night and I'll be staying her in El Paso for another 6 weeks and I couldn't be happier about it!! It's an awesome city and the people are even better. I thought maybe I'd put some fun little things about El Paso kinda like I did about Cruces after a little bit up there haha something to shake up the monotony of these emails!

- El Paso is known as one of the safest cities in the country, which I still don't get how because Jaurez Mexico is one of the most dangerous cities and it's a hop, skip, and a jump away. 
- There are sooo many stray cats here its wack. But its better than stray dogs! 
- Kahlid is from here and there's actually quite a few references I guess to the 915 in his songs. He gives back a ton to the community too which is way cool
- The Plaza is this little open block in the center of the city and right in the middle there's a big aligator fountain haha. I'll have to attact a pic of it. There's some Christmas lights around there too, like a Walmart version temple sqaure but still fun to see Christmas spirit
- The people here are toooo nice. Like everyone. Just the other day I was looking out the window and a car pulled over and gave a plate of food to a homeless guy walking down the street
- There's a big star they light up on the moutain that the city kind of wraps around 
- There's a huge demographic difference. The West side is up on the hill and it's way nice and the East side is pretty humble

Alright I think that's enough random facts about El Paso haha basically it's the best and there's so many Spanish speakers!! 

We were able to go and do service at the food bank this week. We just took cans and other goods and filled up boxes and passed them out to people who drove through. It was awesome especially around Christmas time to serve as the Savior did to all people in his life.

Our amigos are doing well and we were able to find several new people new to teach!! Although, there was a slight unexpected curveball this week when we found out that Hector, our friend who was on date, is actually already a member. It was definitely a shock and a little sad not gonna lie but now we are now just working towards the temple instead of baptism! Which the temple really is the best and the goal for all the people we teach anyways. And he has 10 kids who are all grown up so we are hoping to teach some of them and their families soon! Also, a couple of the new people we talked to seemed way solid, especially this one lady named Juana. Her son passed away about a month ago which is super sad but we were able to teach her about the Plan of Salvation and the spirit was incredibly strong. We are praying all our friends can continue to progress!! 

My spiritual thought goes with Christmas coming!! The devotional last night was seriously the best!! It has been a highlight of Christmas time to watch it as a family in years past, and it was just as good this year. The spirit was so strong and I know that is the true Spirit of Christmas. There is such a peace and joy that comes into our lives as we focus on our Savior Jesus Christ, and love people as He did. I love the famous words of the angel from that night who proclaimed "I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people...unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord...Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." As well some words of the Savior himself "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you." I pray you all can find peace and joy through our Savior this time of year! 

Love you all so much!!!

Con todo el amor,
Elder Jackson

1 El Centro!!
2 Alligator Fountain lol 
3 What it's all about!!
4-6 Views from the Star
7 The Usual  


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