Ultima Cosa

November 16, 2020

Last thing! I loved all your insights from Ether this week. It is one of my favorite books honestly. Dad you gave great insight on the brother of Jared and how he received revelation and compared it to me looking for ways to light the stones right now and I couldn't agree more. Mom I absolutely loved your insight on verse 4!!! I went back and saw I underlined it but didn't see it to the extent you did, but I think it is so true and perfect for right now. We are hoping for a better world. I loved that so much. Elder Holland in the devo said something like I love how they keep putting those verses in there that I've never read before! And he's probably read the book of Mormon over a hundred of times. 

I finished and started over w the Book of Mormon this week. It was so good, so poweful. Moroni 7 about charity and all good things come from God. Moroni 8 about the baptism of little children, super important. Moroni 10, a scripture we use probably more than any other on the mission and the absolute life changing promise in their. I'm so grateful for it. I also loved in Moroni 1 though when he says I continue my writings because I haven't died, paraphrasing of course. He completely thought he was done and was accepting dying but the Lords plan was different for Him. And he was obedient nonetheless. I've learned that a lot, often times what we think is our plan is not the same as His plan for us. We just have to trust in it. Also i was reading 1 Nefi 2 and 3 today and I remembered how much I love Nefi and the beginning of the Book of Mormon too. Some verses i loved especially, 2:4 talks about their family leaving everything behind, reminded me of the line in the mission call, leaving behind all other personal affairs. Verse 5 talks ablut family, love so much. And 7 gratitude. Also it talks about Lehi and Nefi talking with the Lord to receive answrss and revelstion. Again, i love pray and my understanding and love for it is growing. We talk directly with our loving Heavenly Father. 
Chapter 3 of course has verse 7 which i love with my whole heart. It is perfect for missionary work and really anything. I will go and do. The Lord has prepared a way. A way during this time right now. Always gives us a way. And also i liked verse 5 where Lehi says i know this is difficult but the commandment doesn't come from me it comes from the Lord. And 15 and 16 Nefi talks again about obediencia and its just awesome. Haha sorry i wrote even more. I just loved your insights, wanted to say thank you, and wrote too many of my own again hahaha love you guys!! 


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