Living the Dream

 November 16, 2020

Hola hola de nuevo!! 

Another great week here in El Paso!! Also another week in "self isolation" with an indefinite end but it has honestly still been great!! We've had some awesome lessons with our amigos, watched a couple fire missionary devotionals, and some other tender mercies that make missionary life the best. 

Ok last week I ended talking about a guy who we called who was just really angry, but I was able to share a scripture with him and it ended up being a neat experience. Well, that guy's name is Alfredo and we've been talking to him a ton!! He's a crazy dude, been to prison a few times, kinda has some ocasional major anger, buuuut he has a real desire to change!! We've taught him about the restoration and he loved it. As well we've talked a ton about repentance and be able to change through the Atonement. We've had some powerful lessons, I'm excited about him!!

We had a slighttt curve ball with our friend Linda who we found last week haha. Sooo she was super interested in the Book of Mormon so we had our ward mission leader, the literal goat Hermano Gutierrez, go over to what we thought was her house and drop it off, she didn't answer but he still just left in on the porch. Then we had a lesson with her and we all excited to see if she had been able to read it, and she says she never got it. Turns out she actually lives in Denver!!!! We were pretty sad because we have to pass her off to the missionaries there. But we still had a great lesson with her, she is super super cool!! I know she'll be a blessing for the missionaries there in Colorado. 

Margarita, our little old lady investigator who gives us food, provided some tacos with some interesting rice which was definitely a highlight. As well we were able to get her a Book of Mormon, she actually got it thank heavens, and hope she can continue to progress! 

Lastly, Hector is still in the hospital which make things tough with him but we are praying fervently for him. I know the power of pray is real, it can bring miracles!! I've seen it so much in my life and already on the mission. I have faith it'll all work out with him.

In other things, we watched a couple missionary devotionals to prepare for Zone Conference next week. One was with President Ballard and Elder Holland, what a powerful companionship, it was a real treat. They talked a lot about how missionary work has never been easy but the Lord continues to bless us. His hand is in our lives every single day, and especially in His work. I have seen this so much in my time as a quarantined missionary. There are so many blessings. Although the setting is a little different, I really feel like I'm living the dream!! I get to testify of my Savior Jesus Christ who I love so much. And as a cherry on top I get to do it in Spanish!! I love being a missionary and don't want to waste a minute of this time.  

Very last thing, I finished el Libro de Mormón this week and have to testify of the power of that book!!! There is a light and a spirit that comes into my life everytime I read it. It teaches so clearly of the Savior and brings me closer to Him every day. I know it's true and that it changes lives with every fiber of my being. What a blessing it is to have it. Give it a read and feel it's truthfulness and the Savior's love for yourself!! I'll end with some words from Alma about the power of the good word. Alma 37:45 "the words of Christ, if we follow their course, carry us beyond this vale of sorrow into a far better land of promise." 

Hope you all have a great week!!! So grateful for all the love and support!!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Jackson

1 Selfie with the Star
2 El Libro de Mormón y La Estrella!!
3 Getting in the Christmas spirit!!!
4 El Paso SHOWED OUT with this sunset
5 Cooking skills improving 


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