Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias
November 30, 2020
Hola familia y amigos!! I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving full of food, family, and faith!! Nothing better than those things.
Thanksgiving, or el día de acción de gracias, was so much fun here!! The ward went above and beyond, 4 different families brought us plates of food and we were able to go over to our ward mission leader's house and eat with him and his family too. They are the nicest people and his little grandkids were the cutest little guys. I was almost expecting them to put salsa on the turkey or have a side of tacos but it was mostly just some good traditional food! And I got to talk to my family which just puts the cherry on top.
We had a really cool experience on Wednesday when my uncle made some super small world connections with a guy he knows down here in El Paso. He owns an apartment complex so we were able to go over and hand out pumpkin pies to all the tenants there, it was an awesome experience. We also got to help this investigator move on Saturday which wasn't maybe quite as fun but still great! Doing service is always a good time, it's nice to see an immediate positive impact on people.
Our friends are doing well!! Hector was able to watch a baptism and is feeling better every day! Alfredo is progressing slowly but surely, and I think we are going to start teaching his friend Jose! Our other friends are doing well and we had some great lessons. The thing that keeps becoming prevelant in teaching and really everything as a missionary is trying to have and recognize the spirit. Really it's what President Nelson has been emphasizing in Hearing Him. The spirit is such a gift!!
The highlight of the week, besides Thanksgiving, was an exchange!! I went to Elder Hannemann's area and he came to mine which was a little sad we weren't comps for a day, but his companion Elder Jenkins is an absolute stud!! We had a heck of a night with a member meal and a ton of lessons. The spirit was strong all night and we put in some good work!! I learned a ton from him.
My spiritual thought this week is from 2 Nefi 4:35 "Yea, I know that God will give liberally to him that asketh...yea, I will cry unto thee, my God, the rock of my righteousness. Behold, my voice shall forever ascend up unto thee, my rock and mine everlasting God." I really love this verse for a handful of reasons! I'll stick to just one right now. I know our loving Heavenly Father, the rock of righteousness, hears our prayers every single time. It is such a blessing to be able to communicate with Him!
I love you all and hope you are getting excited for Christmas, this special time to focus of the Savior and to Light the World!! Have a great week!!
Todo el amor,
Elder Jackson
1&2 Pumpking Pie Delivery Men
3 Pumpkin cookies by yours truly
4 with the goat Elder Jenkins
5 not sure if its technically a sunset but this was way pretty
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