Hola Padres

October 19, 2020

Hola mis padres!! Another fast week it feels like!! It was busy which I love! But it did feel like a kinda long time between last monday and our call on Saturday actually haha. I love you guys so much and it was so fun to be able to see you guys altogether w the papa johns. 

Elder Campbell and I kinda had a talk on Monday night. Like he said he feel like he puts on a phasod around me and i kinda said his sarcasm is just rude sometimes haha it was actually positive though. Not perfect still but way better than last week.

I feel like I told you most of my stories of lessons and stuff on Saturday, but Joel's baptism was definitely the highlight! 

Here are just some of the thoughts and focuses and ideas I found in my studies this week. Especially yesterday when we found out about the changes yesterday. Bottom line, I'm feeling good about it actually. I guess quick recap of my BoM, i read about the 2000 stripling warriors, which i loved. Alma 57:21 and 57:27 were some of my favorites. Their mothers sound like my own! Then about the letters from Moroni and Pahoran and then about Helaman, Nephi, Lehi, and Moroniah. Really good stuff, thats an understatement but you guys already know that haha

Pensamientos de la Semana
Consacrated missionary. Put all on the alter of sacrafice. Consecration - temple. 

Focus on the Savior!!

Alma 23:6 converted unto the Lord. Never did fall away

Alma 56:47-48 no dudamos que nuestras madres lo sabían

Alma 57:21 obediencia con exactitud, nuestras madres nos enseñaron!

Alma 57:27 fue la fe de aquellos...son jovenes, y mentes son firmes, y ponen su confianza en Dios continuamente

Alma 58:33 confiamos en nuestro Dios 

Helaman 3:35

Helaman 5:9

Helaman 5:12 

Elder Utchdorf
New ways of doing missioanry work. Not just new but better. 

Sister Eubank 
Give mercy. Give unity. Give love! This was my focus with my comps and really helped. 

Elder Soares
Center all thoughts on the Savior! Like yes not having impure thoughts but i mostly mean trying to think like the Savior would, constantly positive, loving, and thinking of others. Kind of like the whole "kodatucki" thing. We listemed to another talk by Elder Bednar from an MTC address, and he talked about Mosiah 3:14 and how the Savior always turned outward, never inward. But here are the quotes from Elder Soares "Seeking Christ in every thought and following Him with all our heart requires that we align our mind and desires with His." "The Holy Ghost shall be thy constant companion, and thy scepter an unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth." "I can assure you that our spiritual maturity will grow at an increasing pace, changing our heart, making us more like Jesus Christ. Additionally, the influence of the Holy Ghost will be more intense and continuous in our life." Again, i really am working to recognize promptings of the Spirit and have seen I do a lot better when I focus on the Savior. 

I was feeling a little discouraged yesterday when we found out about not being able to go in houses. I had a feeling of dread. But then I turned to the scriptures and found some really good things and listened to some conference talks that totally changed my perspective and I felt so much better. There was a peace about it.

First I opened to Helaman and read these words of Nephi:

Helaman 7:7 Oh, that I could have had my days in the days when my father Nephi first came out of the land of Jerusalem, that I could have joyed with him in the promised land; then were his people easy to be entreated, 

And I really was felt that because sometimes is easy to think like oh if only i were treys age or a year older and could have a "normal" mission. 

But Nephi goes on to first, "pour out his soul unto the Lord in pray" and then has a chance to preach to the people and show them signs, through the spirit of course, and converts some of the people. It was just a really cool story.

Then I listened to/read these two talks

Elder Stevenson
1 Nephi 1:1, highly favored of the Lord! "All were defined more by what they were able to do with the Lord’s help than by what they could not do as a result of their confinement and restriction." "I pray we can acknowledge the afflictions in the course of our days while at the same time recognizing that we are highly favored of the Lord." The Lord blesses us as we are patient and trust in Him in our afflictions. They are opportunities for growth and trusting in the Lord.

Sister Franco. De Argentina!!!!! Su español es hermoso guau. I listened to this talk, because she is argentine and her spanish is beautiful, but there were some really good quotes that gave me peace. “Having faith in Jesus Christ means relying completely on Him—trusting in His infinite power … and love. It means believing that even though we do not understand all things, He does." "When sore trials come upon us, it’s time to deepen our faith in God, to work hard, and to serve others." I know this is true and it has taken away the dread I first had about this quarantine and even filled me with some excitement for the work. I know this is all part of Gods plan, meant for me right now as a missionary for reasons I do not know. 

I also decided to start making a list of all the things we can still do and seeing the good. One of the last things grandpa Jackson told me was to be a happy missionary. You both have counseled me as well to be positive, humble, and teachable. Attitude determines Altitude! The glass is half full!

Focus on the things we can do ! 
More time for study
Facebook vids
Try Facebook finding
Write thank yous
Write family
Call home twice 
Eat meals from members 
Cook, use the food I bought
Go on walks and talk to people
Talk to Esteban at gas station
Talk to people at Walmart 
Hopefully meet outside 
Hopefully go to church 
Drop off things 
Use less miles
Be patient, opportunity to be patient and trust in God. This is His work. This is His world. All things are done in His timing and His wisdom. 


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