Hola! Hola!

October 5, 2020

HOLA MAMÁ Y PAPÁ!!!! I love you guys so much!! Words can't describe the love I have for you guys. It only seems to grow with each day I'm away. Not that I'm homesick or it is something that weighs me down, but rather I feel is something that carries me. I truly feel I'm never alone, that you all are always with me. The love in my heart grows for you all each day and with it, love for the people around me and the desire to share that same kind of love. 

It has been a busy week! I love it! Being out of quarantine is a huge blessing. Joel is doing great, he accepted to keep the Word of Wisdom and the Law of Chastity. As well taught him the first two discussions and watched 3 of the 4 sessions of conference with him. I sometimes worry he doesn't understand everything because he is so willing to accept our invitations but then he pulls out a random scripture that actually fits perfectly. It's nothing short of a miracle. I also am really excited about Don. He is a super nice man and is getting better with the Church. We met with him again the other day and asked him what he wanted to learn. He told a lot of stories from his life. It was cool. I got to bear my testimony of the Book of Mormon and of the Savior at the end, I felt the spirit way strong. He said he cant see how other people think we arent christian after that. My comp said I should've been more direct that this is the only true church. I said that it just wasnt the emphasis of my testimony, the Savior and His sacrafice for me was. He's probably right but I know I felt the spirit really strong and we are going back twice next week. I just hope he isn't doing this just for the social aspect of visitors or looking at the historical parts of the Book of Mormon. But I have faith it'll be good. We did some other good service and had some meals with some members. Seriously such a good ward.  

Believe it or not, these are just some of my notes from conference. I took more, probably too many in my journal. I wanted to call you guys immediately after each session and talk, but I'm so excited to talk to you guys today!! Here are just some highlights from most but not all. I wrote more about my favorites, although they really all were. It was truly an incredible conference. 

Over-arching Themes:
Pandemic is hard. Love everyone. We are all Gods children. God will consecrate thy affliction for thy gain. Take advantage of this time. Enjoy, dont just grit teeth. Unity. Zion, one in heart and mind. Thy afflictions shall be but a small moment. World is inceasingly evil, more polarizing, no middle ground. If ye are prepared ye shall not fear. Talk of Christ. Gather Israel. Christ knows how to succor us. Pray for miracles. Thy afflictions shall be for thy gain. Look forward with hope!! 

Some Highlights

Elder Whiting. "Be even as I am." Focus on attributes of Christ. Believe you can attain them, work as hard as you can to do so. 

Elder Cook. Unity and Righteousness

President Oaks. Love all. Unity. We are all God's children. Contention and anger are of the devil. Inspired Founding Fathers. Love enemies. 

Elder M Holland. Christ Atonement turns misery into bliss. Alma the younger. Exsquisite. 

Elder Rasband. Temples!!!! Be reccommended to the Lord. 

Elder Uchtfdorf. Tough, turbulent times. We must learn from them. Wasn't a surpise to God. Has been preparing the Church. New ways for missionary work. Better ways. Will not be easy, will get worse before it get's better, but there are glorious days ahead. God has something unimaginable in store. 

Sister Eubank. Give mercy!

Sister Craven. Give change! Mighty change of heart. Process, little better everyday.

Sister Franco. Christ can repair the irrepairable and make it even better than before.

President Nelson. If ye are prepared ye shall not fear. Moroni prepared his people. Place of Security. Prepare Mind to God. Never Stop Preparing.

President Ballard. Prayers of faith, for country, world, all children, relief from pandemic. Pray and then go do. 

Elder Andersen. Talk more of Christ! President Nelson studied references of Christ in TG. Less Christians in the world, we need to talk more. 2 Nephi 25:26. He brings light, peace, and hope in times of difficulty. Talk of Him all the time, normal and natural ways. 

President Nelson. Gather Israel. Israel=Let God Prevail. Let God into our lives and make Him the focus and priority. God loves all children, of all race. Question for each is will we let God prevail. Pray to find others who will be willing to do so. Gather Israel on both sides of the veil. Missionary work, temple work, family history work. Gathering is happenning, prophecy is being fulfilled. God has promised blessings to covenant people of Israel, study these. Not my will but Thine be done. 

President Eyring. Hard times will come. Part of the plan. Give us experience and teach us. All these things shall be for thy good. The Savior suffered so He would know how to lift us. Alma 7:11-13. Come unto Him - feast upon His words, faith unto repentance, make and keep covenants. Through trials we become more like Him. He polishes us. 

Elder Stevenson. Had a lot of disappointment when couldn't attend President Kimballs conference. Many disappointments from covid. Many things changed or canceled. Nephi "saw many afflictions in my days, but was highly favored of the Lord all my days." Perspective of good. Many missionaries and Joseph had great afflictions. All saw success after patience. Better bc of experiences. We have been prepared and guided by God. Incredible blessing to go through temple!! Christ has descended below all. 

Elder Jaggi. Count at all joy, admist afflictions. See the good. Quarantine hard for missionaries. Book of Mormon brings light. Be of good cheer.

Elder da Rocha. Pray is a blessing. Write down thoughts after prayer. Often still small voice. Act. Revelation crucial

Elder Johnson. Power. We access power through the temple. We must have word of God inside uz, coupled w faith. Study and keep sacred covenants. 

Elder Holland. We ask, How Long? So many people suffer. Joseph asked same in Liberty Jail. Faith means trusting in God in times of good and bad. Can't be easy. Can't be without stress. It wasn't easy for Him. Be patient. Trials will be releived by and by. Immense reward. Alma 32. Sprout in His time. 

President Nelson. Look forward to the future with faith and optimism. New normal - heart to Christ. Have peace of Christ. Joy admist uncertainty

Also. We had a little devotional on Wednesday I really liked. Again some more notes. I know you guys were curious 

Wed Devo
Many voices in the world, Hear Him
Everyone gling through something. Give the love of our Savior. He truly felt all and loves us all
"If we come out of this pandemic unsacthed but unchanged, we greatly miss out of the benefits of this unique time." - President Worthy, BYU 

Really really like that quote by President Worthy. Caused me to reflect on Covid and things I've learned. 

Blessings of Covid
Time with Trey 
Time to study scriptures
Time to be with family 
Time to go to Fiiz
Time to golf!!
Time to play pickelball 
More sleep
New gratitude for grandparents
Emphasis to Hear Him
Gratitude for temple
Incredible endowment w just our family
Indexing and increase fam history work
Gratitude for human interaction
Faster, unique graduation
3 extra weeks at home!
Virtual CCM 
Slower goodbye
Slower life 
Better hygiene 
Still got to finish basketball
Saved money on cruise
Less airplane rides
California fam trip
New ways to use technology
Beauty and convenience of Zoom 
Emphasis to work through members

We actually got up at 4:45  to go on a hike, my companions wanted to do personal study in the mountains so I'm currently sitting on a rock at the foot of the Organ mountains. Pretty sick! The sun hasn't come up yet but the stars are way pretty. I can see both Orion and Scorpio right now! We ran into a cow and my comps love it, both come from rural parts w lots of cows lol. There are some coyotes howling a ways away we can hear. The moon was pretty full so we had plenty of light, it was cool. Just hope I can take a nap later so I'm not exhausted. But I normally function on this amount of sleep anways! 

So excited to talk to you guys today!! 

Con todo el amor, 
Elder Ignacio Jackson


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