The Querq
September 22, 2020
Hola a todos!!
I've made it to the field!! I flew out last Tuesday and made it to Albuquerque, or the Querq (kirk) as some of the missionaries I flew with have named it.
We got up and had training all day Wednesday. It was so great to be able to learn from President Weathersby and his wife, I have no doubt they are called of God. It was also incredible to be with of my best buddies and teammate since 8th grade Elder Hunter Hannemann!! He is the best and it was such a blessing to spend the day with him! We've been all over for basketball so it almost felt like another basketball trip! Almost haha
I got to my area Thursday, Las Cruces, New Mexico. It's about 30 minutes north of El Paso, Texas which is also in the mission. With so many missionaries being reassigned there's an excess of missionaries here so I'm lucky enough to be in a trio! My trainers are Elder Gale, he's from Beaver Utah, and Elder Campbell, from Washington. We are all way different but get along well. I've learned a lot about cattle roping and classical music from them in the past week haha. I think our differences will help us relate to all kinds of people. I'm in an English speaking area right now but I am still studying my Spanish and have faith I'll have opportunities to use it in the future. For now I know this exactly where the Lord wants me.
We are in quarantine for two weeks because I came from out of state but we have still been able to do some awesome stuff!! We've had quite a few lessons with members and I already can tell the ward is awesome. As well, we have been able to do a couple service projects outside that President approved. The other day we were helping this family in the ward move and I had a cool experience. The member hired some movers to aid our semi-pro forces as missionaries and they were really cool guys! We were talking as we moved things and I was able to explain what we do as missionaries. At the end I was able to give one of them a Book of Mormon! Who knows if he'll read it or call us about it but it still felt so good to share the gospel! There is real joy that comes from sharing the message of Jesus Christ.
Also, we had a virtual mission tour this week with Elder Villanueva and his wife meeting with us over zoom (that's why our pday is on Tuesday this week). They testified of the power of the Book of Mormon and how it truly changes lives. It's one of the best tools we have as missionaries. I know this is true!! I've seen it change my life as I study and strive to apply its teachings and I know it will do the same for those I teach. I'm so grateful to be a missionary and to do the Lord's work in whatever way possible.
I love and miss you all!! Feel free to shoot me a message!
Hasta que la obra está terminada
Con amor,
Elder Jackson
1 Views from the Querq
2 Albuquerque temple, love the spirit there
3 My brother Elder Hannemann
4 The sick whip and the crib in the back
5 Comps
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