Big Mama!!

September 28, 2020

Hola Mamá!! Or Big Mama!! (Bowling name of course)

Just thought I'd share what I've studied lately and has been on my mind. I so love all your pictures and updates! I strive to be as diligent as you are with your "dailies"

I have read from Alma 5 to 26 this week and it really has been incredible. You probably know all this but Alma 5, the self interview/reflection is super powerful. Alma 7 gives probably my favorite description of the Atonement in v 11-13, Christ experienced all things. And then the stories of Alma and Amulek and then Ammon and the the Sons of Mosiah preaching are so powerful to me and found them especially insiteful as a missionary. Alma 17 talks about trusting in the Lord and being an instrument in His hands, which i feel sure a desire to do. Their faith and diligence to the Lord is something i strive for. Something else that stuck out to me is how they well the recongize the spirit. Yes they perform mighty miracles, but they are directed exactly where to go and what to say because of the Spirit they have. They talk about it a lot. I want to have this same familarity with the spirit as well so I can be an effective missionary. I know the Spirit is the teacher and truly what touches peoples hearts and testifies that the things we say are true. I feel like in 17 they answer my question of how to obtain the spirit it when they say they fasted and prayed many days so that they might have a portion of the spirit of prophecy and revelation with them. I feel like I have the spirit with me but I guess I just want to recognize the spirit with similar surety as they did. Something I am definitely working on. Lastly, Alma 26 is what I want to be able to say after my mission. Not necessarily that I baptized thousands of people like them, but that I worked my hardest. Ammon said his joy was complete. I want to have that same feeling. I just am not exactly sure how to make sure I am working as hard as I can everyday. 

Talks I've read and thought about 

Come unto Jesus - Living as Latter Day Saints. We can do hard things as trust in the Savior. His Atonement is to give us strength as well as for sin. Perfect for a mission, missionary and the people taught. Christ is real. He will lift us. Trust Him. 

The Power of Book of Mormon in Conversion. Daily study of the Book of Mormon brings light, clarity and understanding. Gives power to overcome addiction-John or Trey. By it we can understand our Savior and become like Him, access his Atoning power. 

A Good Foundation against the Time to Come. Renovate ourselves as the temple is renovated. (Divine time to renovate). What are you corner stones of your testimony? Jesus Christ is my Savior. God is our loving Heavenly Father and wants us to return to Him, thats why He gave His Son. The Book of Mormon is true, it has real power to convert. Prophets are real, Joseph Smith and now President Nelson. Living revelation. We can and need to recieve personal revelation. Spirit is vital. Families are forever!!! Through Christs Atonement we can overcome the effects of the Fall, and return to the presence of God, with our families. 

I'm feeling way better about my companions!! We are getting a lot mofe comfortable around each other, and they have decided they want to more harder and hang out less. The other companionship still drops by randomly and wastes some time but its getting better. Joel, the guy who we have on date, is doing really well!! He went to church again this week and said he wants to follow Christ all his life! Super exciting! I just hope he still feels the spirit and wants to follow Christ when we tell him he cant drink, smoke, sleep around, and has to pay 10% of his money. (Speaking of which i need to pay my tithing from this summer)  but it has been so cool to see the power of the Book of Mormon and how his testimony of the Savior has grown. And it should be really good to get out of quarantine this week!! It still isnt the work i was expecting but i think it will be better. I have faith the Lord will progress the work. I still dont know how to find new people, hopefully we can get the members to trust us and they could help. I know i just need to be obedient and work hard. 

I wrote dad first about this week about pretty much the same things but i think I was more negative when i wrote the one to him. Whoops 

I absolutely love all the pictures and letters!!! They make my day!!! I feel so connected it really has made such a difference. I miss you guys but know these two years will be hard but so worth it! I am already so so excited for Disneyland in September of 22  and Hawaii christmas 22!!!! Love you all more than words can say. Cant wait to talk to you!!!!

Con todo el amor,
J dot
Elder Jackson 


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